Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Fall of the Old Republic

The Fall of the Old Republic is coming on Cartoon Network, and it looks epic by any standard. I'm stunned that this is a television show. I applaud you LucasFilm!

Next Saturday, the Clone Wars season 5 returns in a new time slot in the morning. I've just recently got caught up on season four of this absolutely amazing series, and the trailer for the show gives me CHILLS I tell you!
From the trailer, it seems that the new season will focus on exactly how the Empire replaces the Old Republic by giving us glimpses of unrest among the public over the Jedis' role in the world. In other words, it answers the question of "How is it that Palpatine had the Jedi eliminated and the galactic populace seems fine with that?"

If you aren't watching the show or you have children and you aren't encouraging them to watch the show, I think you are doing a disservice. I would have LOVED to have cartoons with this kind of production value for my Saturday morning. But instead I had Bugs Bunny, Thundarr the Barbarian, and Land of the Lost. Kids have no idea how good they have it these days.

Please give the trailer a watch unless you are a boring person that doesn't like cool and exciting things.
So what is my single favorite scene in this trailer?

When Palpatine (cackling) says to Darth Maul, "You are no longer my apprentice." That part looks chilling as I've never seen Palpatine taking on another uber powerful Sith.


  1. I just can't make myself take Anakin seriously. He's just so annoying.

    Moody Writing

  2. If I had access to the Cartoon Network, I'd watch it. But, I don't so...looks like I'm going to have to stream it like I did with GOT. (;

  3. Love that a dude gets cut in half and falls down a long shaft and still somehow manages to survive.

    Instead of flogging this old ground, they should do a show about the Old Republic like those Star Wars games Knights of the Old Republic and such. That would give them a lot more room to operate.

  4. Very cool! My 3-year-old is a little young (though I'm cutting her teeth on Spiderman books--her latest read was Spiderman Versus the Vulture, and it's gotten repeat requests), but I'm guessing my 14-year-old stepson would LOVE this!

  5. Thanks for the heads up. My 6th grader and husband will be very excited. :) My kids love Bugs Bunny too (it's on Cartoon Network).

  6. I see what you're saying about production values, but Land of the Lost was awesome. :) Cheesy, but awesome.

  7. I don't even know if I still have cartoon network. I wanna know where you find to do anything else but watch television.

  8. I'm skipping the trailer because we haven't watched season 4, yet. I did just pre-order it, but it's for Christmas, so I still have to wait before we watch it.

  9. Land of the Lost? Shudder. That show was awful.

    I guess you're telling me that I need to add Cartoon Network to my favorite channels list (the only list I see). Fine.

  10. That looks awesome! I started watching the series and then I had a baby. I need to catch up.

  11. I'll have to see if it's on Netflix. If I get up on a Saturday morning it's for an outing, or to work. Usually I'm sleeping from working the night before.

  12. Hey, watch what you say about Bugs Bunny. He won an Oscar you know.

  13. I didn't think I'd watch a cartoon, but I have to say that trailer makes it tempting. Then again, I've been kinda pissed off at Lucas ever since he let Jar Jar Binks live but killed off Liam Neeson.

  14. As much as I try, I truly can't get into Star Wars... I know... such horror..hehe. I'm more of a Star Trek lover.

  15. I would argue that the animation in bugs bunny was about as good as could conceivably be done at the time, it wasn't quite disney in quality, but short of that, I don't think we've seen that sort of work done since.

    Still, this does look cooler.

  16. Wow. The quality of a Sat. morning cartoon has come a long way. If I didn't write on Saturday mornings, I might have to sit around and watch this. :)

  17. I know I'd like this if I just turned on the TV. My friends at work are always on me about my lack of tv viewing. They think its weird.


  18. I am incredible stoked. And you make a fabulous point. "How is it that Palpatine had the Jedi eliminated and the galactic populace seems fine with that?" The overthrown of a government doesn't happen overnight, and this show is showing just how that could happen on a galactic scale. :)

  19. Hey, Bugs is a classic! How can you malign having grown up with such a great cartoon around. Now, Land of the Lost, I'll grant you... There are MANY lousy cartoon shows on and there isn't the great Saturday morning television as there one was. The cartoon network makes that special time/day obsolete. I WISH my kids had those memories and that I didn't have to worry that my son was going to turn into a couch potato at the age of 15. (fortunately he won't as he has limits, but it's always a possibility with this generation of kids).

  20. Love watching Clone Wars with my oldest son!!! Can't wait to see The Fall of the Old Republic.


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