News and Events

  • 10-9-2019 -- I finally self-published Caledfwlch on the Kindle platform. I think it's my best book to date and a lot of effort went into producing and editing it for readers. There comes a time when you should just release something into the world. After it goes live on Amazon in about 24 hours, I'll get to work on the paperback / hardcover edition of it. I'll attach the artwork below (and yes, that's Jordan Pendragon himself on the cover). If you are a fan of my writing, I hope you'll consider purchasing a copy.
  • Now that internet has finally been restored at my house (after months of being down), and spring has sprung, and I've finally got some emotional distance from the death of my mother in December 2016 (2016 was an awful year folks), I'm now concentrating on doing the final edits on Caledfwlch
  • 10-25-2016 -- The Orb of Winter is now for sale as a downloadable ebook from Amazon. It is a beautiful book with great cover art and an interior map. Go to THIS LINK if you want to purchase :).
  • 9-24-2016 -- Below is the cover art for The Orb of Winter. Kindle edition coming as soon as I can finish the edits :).
  • 9-6-2016 -- The Orb of Winter will be published on Kindle soon. The artwork for the cover is in process and looks good. I can't wait to post it for you guys. I'll also email a copy of the cover out to everyone on my newsletter list.
  • 6-12-2016 -- Sent off chapter 22 of The Orb of Winter to the Nifty Archive. Began second round of edits and rewrites of Caledfwlch to prepare it for publishing at Double Dragon.
  • 6-5-2016 -- The Orb of Winter is now finished, topping out at 43 chapters and almost 250,000 words. That puts me about 40,000 shy of George R.R. Martin's epic, Game of Thrones, which was the first (and smallest) fantasy book in A Song of Ice and Fire. Now I need to hire a book jacket/cover artist to design something for it so I can get it ready to go on kindle. And then of course I've got to finish editing Caledfwlch. It looks like I may publish two books this year.
  • 5-1-2016 -- Chapter 16 of The Orb of Winter has been sent off to the Nifty Archive to be published. Should happen in the next few days.
  • 4-25-2016 -- Chapter 15 of The Orb of Winter is now published on The Nifty Archive in the gay science fiction section.
  • 4-17-2016 -- I have sent off "Chapter 14" of my serialized novel, The Orb of Winter, to be published in the gay science fiction section. It corresponds with "Chapter Nine" of the novel I have already published in the forums (Book tab has the link).
  • 4-10-2016 -- I have sent off "Chapter 13" of my serialized novel to The Nifty Archive to be published. It should get posted in the next couple of days. It corresponds with "Chapter Eight" of the serialized novel that I have on my "Forums" page. 
  • 4-6-2016 -- I have created a map for my serialized novel, The Orb of Winter, which can be found in the forum section of my website HERE. I have also added a section in the comments of that same link explaining the roles of the various narrators for The Orb of Winter. To provide a little more explanation, The Orb of Winter is told in third person limited point-of-view. Each chapter has a dominant narrator (just like in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire). Right now, those narrators are: Kian, Ephram, Kahket, Alexi, and Skellhaundar Romax. I will be adding a sixth narrator soon (after her secret is discovered in the storyline). The Orb of Winter is epic fantasy with a very dark flavor, and has sections deep within the story that go into not only gay sex, but sex with she-males, as well as sex between heterosexual couples. Readers should think of it as an epic fantasy, only without any "fade to black" scenarios. In other words, those scenarios are explored in great detail. I'm posting the map I created for the story below this entry for your viewing pleasure. 
    The Zandan Mountain range is 1050 miles long. Use that for the scale on this map.
  • 3-24-2016 -- I posted up to Chapter Twenty-Three in the forums for my story The Orb of Winter. Happy Easter everyone that's been reading. More chapters to follow next week. Also I'd like to announce that one of my readers, Jim Ready, has been editing for me. Thanks so much, Jim!
  • 3-16-2016 -- I'm up to Chapter Nine of The Orb of Winter on the Forum here on my website. I'm posting a chapter a week. To read, just go to "Books" and then click on "Forum" and then click on "The Orb of Winter." Also, I've received feedback on one beta-reader for Caledfwlch (which got finished in January). I've also got the edits back from my editor, Patrick Dilloway. Once I hear back from the other beta-reader, Callie Leuck, then I'll go back through Caledfwlch and try to correct all the mistakes! One criticism (that's completely valid) is that I went crazy/nutso on Kolin's accent. I got to tone it down. But it was a lot of fun to write and research all those British phrases. If you are curious on how to pronounce Caledfwlch click on the play button below: 
  • 1-28-2016 -- I have started publishing The Winter Orb on The Nifty Archive. This is a serialized novel, and I plan to post a chapter a week over there for fans of my writing. Additionally, I will be posting bigger chapters that are a couple weeks ahead of the Nifty Archive schedule here on my forum (Go to the "Books" tab and then click on "Forum" to be taken there). Also I got Caledfwlch back from my editor. I am now busy editing sections of it and rewriting some areas. My beta-readers thus far have loved the book and universally say that it's kinda crazy, but in a good way.
  • 1-30-2015 -- I will be participating in the Woven blog tour by authors David Powers King and Michael Jensen. Woven is a big book deal published through Scholastic (Harry Potter's publisher!). I feel so honored to be able to participate and to have been given an Advanced Reader's Copy from my friend, DPK. *Doing the happy dance :)
  • 6-8-2014 -- I'm pleased to announce that Assassin of the Silver Rose, which is book two of The Sword of Rogues duology, is now available for purchase. This completes this small two book collection. I do plan on having more stories regarding Kian in the future. But for now, I'll be working to finish up Caledfwlch, which is book three of A Crisis of Two Worlds. Below is the artwork for Assassin of the Silver Rose. You may purchase this book for kindle by going HERE. It is priced at $2.99.
  • 4-17-2014 -- Oculus is being featured on the Indie Writers Monthly blog. I'm excited to see what they say about my book!
  • 4-2-2014 -- I finished Black Dragon Rising and have begun formatting it for publication under the name Assassin of the Silver Rose with Planet 99 ebooks. It should be available later this month. It's exciting to finish a series. This is a first for me!
  • 1-8-2014 -- Blog is moving to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. Thanks for reading.
  • 12-1-2013 -- "The Insanity of Zero" short story became a best seller on Amazon, with a brief stint in the top 10 of Anthologies and Short Stories.
  • 11-27-2013 -- I was knighted by the King of Science Fiction, David Powers King (see what I did there). Yes, I am a Knight of the Cosmic Table. You can read about it HERE. Plus it comes with this ultra cool graphic/badge designed by the talented team that has led DPK to greatness.
  • 11-8-2013 -- The Nightshade's Apprentice is on sale for .99 on all Amazon sites.
  • 9-27-2013 -- I appeared on Yolanda Renee's blog, Defending the Pen. She called me "Iron Man". That in itself is worth a visit because Iron Man is teh awesome!
  • 7-4-2013 -- This week The Nightshade's Apprentice briefly became a top 100 best seller in multiple categories on Amazon UK. Thank you for the support!
  • 6-30-2013 -- I finished the drawing of Talen and posted it on My Artwork. Please go and take a look and let me know what you think.
  • 6-25-2013 -- The Nightshade's Apprentice will be a FREE download Wednesday June 26th until midnight. I hope you guys will download it to your Kindle :).
  • 6-5-2013 -- I published The Nightshade's Apprentice on Amazon KDP. The Nightshade's Apprentice is an adult dark fantasy romance for mature audiences: 17+. Read an excerpt located HERE. It is on sale for $2.99 as an ebook for Amazon Kindle. Click HERE to go there right now. And below is a look at the cover art:
  • 3-22-2013 -- I have been asked by author Jessica Bell to be one of many authors submitting stories to a non-profit anthology called "Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle", which consists of indie authors' inspiring/motivational personal essays about their indie publishing journey (both small press and self-pub). All proceeds will be donated to a charity that focuses on literacy for youth. This book will be available to purchase in September.
  • 2-19-2013 -- I will be at Mistress Snark's Tuesday Tea at Laura Eno's Blog located HERE.
  • 1-8-2013 -- Michael Offutt will be attending the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
  • 12-18-2012 -- Author Michael Pierce reviewed Oculus and gave it four stars. Read what he has to say at this LINK.
  • 12-18-2012 -- Read the official PRESS RELEASE for Oculus on Briefing Wire.
  • 12-17-2012 -- Oculus received another outstanding review from John Hopkin's alumnus and writer, Callie Leuck. Read it HERE.
  • 12-17-2012 -- Oculus book tour begins. Free print and ebook editions as well as custom book marks are up for grabs to lucky commenters. Check the official schedule on the Oculus Book Tour tab. 
  • 12-13-2012 -- Oculus got a 5-star review from Grumpy Bulldog Book Reviews. Read it HERE.
  • 12-5-2012 -- Oculus received a great review from Shelly's LGBT Book Review Blog. Read the review located HERE.
  • 11-26-2012 -- Slipstream now has 16 Five Star Reviews and 22 four star reviews.
  • 11-9-2012 -- Oculus, book 2 of A Crisis of Two Worlds is published. Buy your copy today :).
  • 10-31-2012 -- Michael Offutt is a guest at Spacedock 19 with M. Pax at Wistful Nebula talking about Japanese Kaiju just in time for Halloween. If you don't know what kaiju are, think of godzilla and mothra and you've got it down. We will no doubt discuss Pacific Rim, the new sci-fi movie coming out next year from the brilliant director, Guillermo del Toro.
  • 10-17-2012 -- Michael Offutt receives an outstanding review by author Jay Noel for his book "Slipstream." Read it HERE.
  • 10-8-2012 -- Michael Offutt is guest blogging at the online home of writer Donna Hole. He speaks about his publishing journey. Read about it HERE.
  • 9-6-2012 -- Michael Offutt signs the contract for book 2 of A Crisis of Two Worlds with Double Dragon Publishing for both ebook and paperback distribution. The new book is entitled Oculus and is expected to be made available to read sometime in the spring of 2013.
  • 8-27-2012 -- Michael Offutt is interviewed by paranormal YA author and blogger Brinda Berry. You can find her blog here.
  • 6-22-2012 -- Michael Offutt is interviewed by paranormal YA author Michael Pierce at his blog HERE.

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