Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Little Thing Called Size

Some things in the universe are huge. My friend William sent me this video.

Let me know if this video makes you feel small. I know after I watched it, I felt that way. Plus it has really cool music. Happy Tuesday


  1. Whoa - and yep I agree, the music is very cool :)

  2. I pretty sure I remember NASA pointing the Hubble Space Telescope at a dark point in space where they believed nothing existed. They left the aperture open for a long time (I think 11 days, something like that)just to see what it could, well, see. The view was one filled with thousands of galaxies. That's thousands of galaxies, in one tiny point of the sky.

    Having said that, somewhere, someone has to be the center of the universe!

  3. Hi, Michael. I've given you a blog award. Okay, I'll admit the pic is a little, um, feminine, but I love your blog and gave it to you anyway. :) Go to www.ciaraknight.com to check it out.

  4. *le gasp* Saturn is naked! The uncivilized savages.

  5. Thanks for the follow Charlie.

    And Schmidt...you get the award for the funniest comment :)

  6. Not the center of the universe? Moi?

    This makes me wonder why we even consider thinking that there is no possible way there could be life on other planets (and why we even consider thinking that there is any possible way for them to contact us. Distance, people, distance!).

  7. Damn. I truly thought I was the center. Back to the therapist.

    Great video and I do like the music. I have heard the music before on something like this. But it was not the same one.

  8. At first when I saw this I thought you were speaking about *ahem* junk size. :D

    Me and my dirty mind.

    I was about to get on here and be gloat from air to air. (LOL)

    And yes, I do feel small. I have always wondered what it would've been like had earth been as big as Jupiter. We'd have so many countries...so many new friends...

    That makes me happy. :D

  9. I miss the days when Pluto was included in these discussions. Poor little emasculated planet(oid).

  10. My brother sent some thing like that. It made me realize how small I am.

  11. Wow that was an awesome clip. You're right, the music is cool.


  12. Holy bananas...that was insane! I feel like such an insignificant speck!

    Thanks for sharing that--it was amazing to see where we fit into the scheme of things.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf muse

  13. I'm nothing! I'm hardly even a blurp on the realm of all that is.

    But that's okay. My spirit is HUGE! :)

    Great video. You always crack me up or give me something to think about when visiting your blog.

    Consider yourself stalked. You are officially in the BEST DARN BLOG EVER! file. I will be back. After Hawaii, of course.

    Get ready to be stalked!


  14. Not the center aye? Yet I distinctly saw my own small features in the center of all that!

    Great video! Cheers!

  15. My son and I both enjoyed this. I can't wrap my mind around something so big.

  16. That's great! And yes, I am now feeling totally insignificant, but in a very cool way.

    Also, I've got an award for you on my blog.

  17. I don't know...in the face of all that scientific evidence, I still feel in my gut I'm the center of the universe

  18. Wow, cool video. It makes me want to go to space, though I'm not sure what would do once I got there. And it made me feel very tiny. I would love to know where the actual center of the universe is.

  19. That was cool (music too). Can you imagine thinking about the biggest star in space in comparison to the tiniest particle of matter or the smallest life form? I gotta go watch Star Trek.

  20. It's simple movies like this that should make people who believe in God step back and realize how insignificant this little speck dust is, and how silly their myths are.

  21. This makes me a little bit crazy.


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