Wednesday, May 6, 2020

It's May and the IWSG is asking about writing rituals and whether or not I have any.

It is the lovely month of May, and it's time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The IWSG is a monthly blogfest originally started by Alex Cavanaugh. If you want to be a supporter or join in on the fun, please go HERE and sign up. The awesome co-hosts for the May 6 posting of the IWSG are Feather Stone, Beverly Stowe McClure, Mary Aalgaard, Kim Lajevardi, and Chemist Ken!

When it comes time to post, you can choose to blog about writing, or you can choose to answer the monthly question. This time around, I'm going to answer the question, which is:

Do you have any rituals that you use when you need
help getting into the ZONE? Care to share?

About the only thing that I do to help me get into a "Zone" for writing is to make sure I have my drink. Usually it is a cold glass of some Mio-flavored concoction over ice, but in the mornings it can be coffee or chai. Another thing that I have to do before I start writing is to clean my house and do the chores I've made for myself. In other words, if the lawn needs mowing or the garage needs sweeping, or I need to pull weeds out of the garden beds...then those things take priority over my writing. I have to basically stamp out all the things that I feel like I need to get done in order to make room for writing. I also like to have the window open behind me so that I can hear the wind rustling through the trees and bushes or the kids running around in the street. I have a nice writing spot that overlooks a decent-sized expanse of grass and my akebono cherry tree, which is starting to really fill out the yard. Anyway, that's about it. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Yeah, I find it hard to write when chores are hanging over my head.

  2. I usually have some non-water drink when I'm writing. Of course when I could sit in coffee places that was usually coffee but at home it's usually soda, iced tea, or Mio fruit punch. The one advantage of living in an apartment is I don't have to worry about mowing the lawn or weeding.

    1. I actually really enjoy my yard. It's been especially fun since the pandemic settled in. I'm basically living inside a small park.

    2. I don't really want a park, but I kind of wish I had a balcony when the weather is warm.

  3. I usually have a soda and a water bottle on my desk when I work. Sadly, I don't have the chore discipline that you do. The only time those get done is when I'm stuck on some book problem.

    I had to Google the cherry tree, but that is such a pretty tree. I'd love to have one to look at out my window. My saw palmettos are really boring in comparison.

  4. Sounds like a good routine. It's hard to focus when you have things hanging over your head.

  5. Sounds like a lot of distractions to me, lol. Yeah, I do that too.

  6. Strange how ambient sounds work into many writing rituals, and of course it's tough to focus on writing when there's other "to-dos" hanging over our heads. Ini this we have in common. :)


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