Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I'm off for a bit but I'll be back for Insecure Writer's Support Group in May.

I think most people are doing the A to Z challenge. And knowing that, I recognize that I'm not feeling particularly inspired to write blog posts. It could be a general malaise that is settling in with the Covid 19 thing. Or it could be that I'm finding a lot to not like about humanity in general right now. But whatever it is, I'm sure it will be gone just like Covid will be gone when we reopen everything in a few weeks. Right?

See you then.


  1. I didn't post on Monday, so bit of a break for me this week. Just nothing to report. Same stuff. Sure you get that.

  2. D'oh. The Geek Twins closed their blog and now you're going dark for over a week. All I'm going to have to read are Tony Laplume's blogs. Anyway, stay safe.

  3. I know what you mean. Stay well. Take care.
