Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can you name all the vampires?

Have a great Thursday.


  1. Ohhh, how fun.
    Okay, I see a few I recognize, I think
    Selene from Underworld
    Spike from Buffy
    EDWARD Mr. Sparkly from Twilight
    Bill from True Blood
    Keifer from Lost Boys!!!
    BLADE!!! Oh, I love that movie. Crud, what's his name?? Wesley Snipes

    HOW FUN!

  2. I am excited that I can name all but one. Who is The Knockoff? He must be old school.

  3. That is bloody awesome!
    (pun intended)

  4. I recognized some. Bela Lugosi, Count Dracula, Michael Jackson, Vampirella, Count Chockula. This was fun, which shows you what my life is like! Have a great day.

  5. I got all but "The One To Be Slayed" and the one that I think is Milla Jovovich but she's probably not because she's probably that other woman. You know the one I'm thinking of? The one that I think was with Ben Affleck in a movie? Yeah, her.

  6. I think I got about half. Definite faves include Spike and the Count from Sesame Street.

  7. There are way too many vampires. I'm with Briane that I can name all but the "One to Be Slayed" one. Probably some crappy movie or TV show I never got around to watching.

    BTW, I love the Robot Chicken parody of "Twilight: The Game" where you control Bella and the answer to everything is always "Stare and Do Nothing." Though they probably should have said "Sigh and Stare and Do Nothing."

  8. Though now that I think about it, "Slayed" probably refers to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which means I'm right that it's some crappy movie/TV show I never got around to watching.

  9. 11 out of 12...I may watch too many vampire related things. Spike is awesome and so was "Angel", more than "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which I still liked.

  10. Hilarious! I can't believe I could actually identify them all, and I don't even like vampires. Not that much, anyway. Have a good week! :)

  11. Not a huge vampire follower and I got most of them. Loved the whimsy-Thursday post.

  12. Well, I can only guess at two of them, but then I'm not into vampires. :)

  13. Wow, not even a big vampire fan but I recognize all of these...okay, I may not know all of their names, I'm a horrible name person, but I totally know what they're from. Lots of vampire diversity, actually!

  14. I can name most of them. This is too funny.

  15. Werewolf hunter is my favorite. Kate....!

  16. That is an AWESOME picture. Even if the sparkly one is on it.

    I am pleased to report I knew all of them. Even the sparkly one...

  17. Do I have to know names or just what they're from? If I can get away with knowing where they're from, then I'm 10/12. If I have to name them, then my score goes down to 9.

    I knew I watched too many vampire themed things!

  18. I can name a bunch of them. I'm not sure about the southern Gentleman.

  19. Ha! That was fun. Oh... is it sad that I could easily name them all?

  20. I know all of these. That surely says something deep and existentially earth shattering about me. Like I need to cancel cable.

  21. lol! I need a giant poster of this for my house :)

  22. Werewolf Hunter - Selene
    Mathematician - Count Dracula
    The one to be slayed - Spike!
    Southern Gentleman - Vampire Bill!
    The Sparkly one - Edward

    that's all :)

  23. Yep. I watch too much vampire stuff. Got them all at first glance.


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