Monday, November 28, 2011

The 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop and an Amazon Gift Card

I missed you guys! First off, thank you for all the support on Goodreads in hitting "to read" on my upcoming book. I spilled over to page-2 sometime during the long weekend and that made me squee just a little.

Today's post is a giveaway.  Blogger ==> Sarah Belliston <==has organized a 12-days of Christmas blog hop.  If you go to her website, she has a list of twelve blogs that are all giving something away for the month of December.  If you like free stuff, then visit the 12 blogs, comment on them, and you may win something if you're lucky.

So which day am I? I'm the "Ten Lords A Leaping" day of Christmas.
To celebrate my role in the festivities, I will be giving away one $10 Amazon Gift Certificate to celebrate the Christmas season (Ten Lords A Leaping--$1 for each lord--I thought I was being clever).

I would hope that whoever the lucky winner may be, that they would consider buying one of the fine Indie books that I have reviewed on this blog to help out a fellow author.

Okay, so how do you win? Easy.

All you have to do is comment on this post and on the chosen day detailed by Sarah's blog, I will use and select a winner and send you the gift certificate through the email. It's that simple :)

So comment away and have a great Monday. I hope your long weekend was great and that you didn't get "pepper sprayed" at Wal-Mart on Black Friday.
UPDATE: Sarah Belliston now has the post up. So please go check it out!


  1. Congrats on getting to two pages!! I can't even remember if I've added it or not, I've added so many lately. Will make sure and check though!

  2. Congrats on getting to two pages. On the way to three yet?

    I love the blog hop idea. Going to check it out now. :-)

  3. google + and fb are now alerted to your sca... i mean... contest, mike ;) lol

  4. Congrats on your book, Mike. To Read is just a beginning. We want to read your book!!! And please don't call me stupid because I don't know what is "Ten Lords A Leaping" :( Though, I'm not American :) And thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Welcome back and congrats on all the Goodread adds.

  6. Congrats on reaching page 2! I will now commence to fist pumping while chanting your name!

    I love hearing the little successes of me fellow authors/bloggers.

  7. So was that last comment a reference to some story that I missed or was it just a comment?

  8. yay for you!
    cant find blogfest but will keep looking =)

  9. I think I should start the Bah Humbug blogfest hop thingy.

    What's sad is $10 hardly buys 1 Kindle book from a Big Six publisher. It's so lame that they charge MORE in some cases for the Kindle book than the paperback. I'm really supposed to believe bytes are more expensive than paper?

  10. No fear of getting pepper sprayed since I stayed FAR, FAR away from Wal-Mart and every other store on Black Friday. *shudder* Sounds like a fun blog hop.

  11. This is awesome, and congrats on becoming the ten lords of leaping. Sounds "hopp'n." :)

  12. Seems like your title of expert critic for December will be replaced with Lord of the Dance!

    Hopefully you get to ten pages on to-reads on goodreads ;)

  13. You were SO close to being the best gift in the 12 days of Christmas (

    Consider me entered into the contest. If I win, I will buy as many indie books as I possibly can. I'm finding them fascinating -- I finished my third indie book over the weekend and I can't say enough good stuff about them. I may never buy a Big Six book again. Until someone I know gets a Big Six publisher. And it'll probably be you, Michael, after which we'll all show up at your readings and ask you pointed questions about posts you wrote on the Big Six. Hopefully, you will be Romneyesque in your ability to distance your then-self from your now-self.

    And hopefully that's the only way you are Romneyesque. Off to read other blogs! I'm so glad to be back at work.

  14. @Trisha: Thanks :)

    @Misha: If by "on the way to three" yet you mean I barely got two pages then yes. The blog hop wasn't up when you originally commented but Sarah got off her lazy butt and put it up.

    @Laughingwolf: Thank you!

    @Javid: It's a silly Christmas carol here in the states.

    @Cindy: Thank you.

    @Brooke: Yes, people got pepper-sprayed on Black Friday at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles.

    @Tara: It's up now. Sarah was late in posting.

    @Grumpy: I will join your Bah Humbug Blog Fest. Post rules soon please.

    @Brinda: It's kind of a disorganized blog hop, but I think Sarah's heart is in the right place.

    @DPK: So clever, sir. Your true calling was stand up.

    @Steph: Oh the use of 10's is an internet meme between us now, is it not? I feel like a perfect "10" now that I have read your comment.

    @Briane: Oh the Romneyesque-ness...but how can I capture his essence unless I waffle on every issue that receives a smidgen of criticism?

  15. Congrats on reaching 2 pages! I still haven't quite figured out how to work GoodReads. I've I every figure it out, I'll try and add you! ")

  16. Good to see you back! Sounds like a fun way to celebrate the holidays. I'll check it out.

  17. I've bought 3 indie books so far and have enjoyed them so much. I'll be getting yours too. I'll go over and look at Goodreads and try and find your book. I'll also go check the contest. Very cool prize. I love Amazon.

  18. You book is on my list!

    Very clever with your $10 prize!

    Since I avoid Walmart and Black Friday, I was pepper-spray-free this weekend.

  19. I'm going onto Goodreads now and clicking for your book. May your to-read expand big time.

  20. I am so challenged when it comes to technology, it is not even funny. I still have to ask my kids to help me go on the good read site and reserve my copy of your book. Work is crazy and being upfront is so different from being in audit. Well Dec is not too far. It will come and go and then I will have time to do stuff that I like.

  21. I'm back.
    I just tried to add me to you list of to-reads on Goodreads, but I'm not showing up. So this may take a while for me to figure out what's going on and straighten it out. I'm such a Goodreads virgin.

  22. Commenting!
    No pepper spray because I wasn't going near a store this past weekend. You couldn't pay me enough! Did some shopping online though.

  23. Wow! 2 pages, and I haven't even made it over there to add it, yet. Good job!

    And I hope you have a good Thanksgiving :)

  24. Congratulations on your Goodreads good news! I'm betting what Misha meant by "On the way to three yet?" has to do with being on your way to a third page. :-)

    What's Black Friday?? ;-)

  25. I'm so sorry I missed your Goodreads announcement. I was offline for several days. I'm off to click 'to read' now.

  26. Excellent news on all the folks being excited about your book - I'm among them.

  27. Congrats on reaching page 2!
    I look forward to the blog hop. It's a great idea!

  28. Cool. I'm going to check out this blog hop. And congrats about your book!

  29. That is so cool about page 2. Here's to page 1! :)
    And thanks for the contest!

  30. Hi, first time at your blog, viewed your comment over at 'klahanie' blog. I'm sort of a newbie, will be celebrating my first full year blogging on the 30th of November. What's GoodRead? Not very familiar with the 'lingo'. You do have quite a bit going on in your blog, from whence do you get the time? Oy.....I go into an anxious panic mode when I feel I have way too much to cover, read, write, produce my cooking videos, and deal with possible 'Bipolar' issues and then my real work! Will start following, maybe that way I can get "hip" to the "lingo". LOL, Your blog is very entertaining, and I'm very happy for your first book to come out. So I will talk with you soon. Later.....

  31. People are already clamoring for your book. Count me in (although I don't do the Goodreads thing yet, so I'm not official).

    And no pepper spray. After 11 years in retail, I stay far, far away from the stores that weekend. (I've got a great Black Friday story from then, though. It involves a manager scheduling all the new cashiers that morning.)

  32. Hope your holiday was full of happiness and smiles!

  33. Cool contest.... How does it feel being the 'Ten Lords A Leaping'?

  34. Hey, I needed that x box really bad. Pepper spray sounded like a good idea in theory ;)

    And count me in for the contest!

  35. Fun idea for a contest! Happy holidays.

  36. I'm all in and would love to win $10 to Amazon.

    cereza25 at yahoo dot com

  37. Love to win the gift card! Congratulations on your book.

  38. Woot, page 2! Exciting! And I'm loving this blog hop, fun stuff! :D

  39. Best of luck with the writing. Now you need to add a couple of zeros to the number !

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  40. Great giveaway. I was wondering how someone was going to get "ten lords a leaping" into a giveaway. :)

  41. Good luck with your book. Always a daunting task it seems with debuting authors.

    This 12 Days event is quite something. Like a virtual advent calendar of sorts.

    therabidfox at

  42. Came for the conTEST, stayed for the conTENT! I'm now following you on GFC and am about to check you out on goodreads.

    Good luck to you!

  43. Congrats on your GR book success. The $10 card for the 10 Lords is amusing and very generous giveaway opportunity. Thank you!

  44. I'm not here for the bux, just providing moral support. Keep up the good work!

  45. Love the blog hippity hops. Thanks.

  46. Ten lords a leaping,how did I miss this post?

    I'm in. Ten bucks is a great thing. And I didn't do Walmart on Black Friday. ;-)

  47. Love FREE stuff!

    And I did not participate in Black Friday OR Cyber Monday. First time in years. Guess I'm sick of the commercialism!

  48. I wasn't going to comment, but then I saw I would be number 50. Yea me.

    Tell you what, though. If I win, I'll pass it on to one of my readers in a give-away of some sort. Maybe it will become the fruitcake of the blogosphere :)

  49. 10 lords a leaping. I like it :)


  50. Ahh, you are so cleaver! 10 dollars--10 lords a leaping. Nice.

    I totally could use ten bucks :)

  51. New follower here. Can't even remember how I got here. Click link, click link, click link - I'm getting dizzy.
    Count me in for the giveaway, if I'm not too late =D

  52. That's very generous of you!
    Happy Friday!

  53. Thanks for the giveaway!!


  54. Oh, this is so nice! I'd love to be the drawing. :)

  55. This is the easiest giveaway I've ever entered. New follower here, even though you're not requiring it. Your blog looks fun. Congrats on two pages of the TBR lists. And how exciting that your book is coming out soon!

  56. Thanks for the giveaway!

    mariamusings at gmail dot com

  57. Thanks for the giveaway! I love the mesmerizing glowing Oreos too.

  58. Hello,

    I'm a first time reader. I saw your post on Hot Coco's blog.

    Congratulations on the Goodreads site.

  59. Congrats on the to-reads! And thanks for the giveaway. So awesome!

  60. Glad you enjoyed your week off. You did better than I did because I've already taken three.

  61. Thanks for this giveaway. I'm going to check out some of your reviews to find a good book to read for this Christmas!

  62. Here via the blog hop, thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  63. Congrats on your book. Awesome!
    Thanks for hosting a stop on Sarah's hop.

  64. I hope I win this contest!
    And congrats on your book!

  65. Wonderful giveaway! Thank you:) I'd like to enter and, hopefully, win.

    Happy holidays!


  66. Thanks for the giveaway

  67. The Ten lord a leaping used to always make me laugh when I was little. A amazon gc however, would make me smile :) LOL

  68. Always interesting visuals with lords a leaping.

  69. thank you for being in this fun bloghop! I love meeting new bloggers


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