Friday, May 17, 2013

My pick for best and worst movie remake

Today I'm participating in the Best and Worst Movie Remakes Blogfest :) When Hollywood runs out of ideas, they remake older films. Sometimes this works, and sometimes it fails miserably.

The object of the blog fest is to list the best remake you’ve ever seen and the worst.


The remake I enjoyed the best is the reboot of Star Trek by J.J. Abrams. I think that he did a great job of reinventing the universe and giving us a great crew that I really enjoy watching. I hope that there are many sequels in the works. I did go see Into Darkness last night and I loved it. Go see it (worth full price)!

The remake I enjoyed the least is the new Conan movie with Jason Momoa in the role that Arnold Schwarzenegger made famous. It lacked any cohesion and just failed on so many levels. I really wanted the reboot to work too, because I like the Conan world. Ah well. Maybe Arnold's shoes are just too big to fill.

There was a bonus question to list the worst and/or best song remake I've ever heard. But I'm going to deviate from that and list the worst decision I think Hollywood made this year in a film. They killed Channing Tatum off in the last G.I. Joe movie (and it happened right off the bat, and it wasn't heroic at all). I like Channing Tatum. I think it actually made me depressed, and I didn't enjoy the rest of the movie after that.

And that's it. Have a great weekend.


  1. Fun blogfest. I am not a trekkie, and I really disliked the first Conan, so no chance I was going to a remake.

    Visiting from the blogfest.
    Rhonda from Laugh Quotes

  2. How could they kill off Magic Mike?

  3. Um wrong movie reference Elise? Anyway *grins* glad to know the latest Star Trek is worth seeing and I didn't hate the Conan remake but only because I wasn't really expecting anything but action. And I got the action, and watched it at home. But when it comes to Channing remember there was no know.

  4. I picked Conan as one of the worst as well!! lol

  5. The Star Trek reboot surprised me. Been a fan since the late 60's and wasn't sure they would do it right.
    Seeing the new one in 3D after lunch today!

  6. I think the original Star Trek was the best, fresh from the TV series one could identify with it more.


  7. I'm off the grid of the movies you watch, but always love to read your blog and your thoughts. Have a great weekend, Michael.

  8. Completely agree about the New Star Trek and as a total trekkie I can fully endorse it :)

  9. I thought the latest Star Trek, the one before this one currently at the theaters, was surprisingly satisfying. I've never seen a Conan movie.

  10. I really wanted to like the new Conan, since I loved Momoa in GOT as Drogo and I'm not a huge fan of Arnold- but it sucked. Hard. Even with the eye candy.

  11. For me, Tatum was the worst part about G.I. Joe, so I wasn't sad to see his character go.

    I haven't seen the new Conan, but haven't heard much positive about it, either.

  12. I hadn't seen the remake of Conan, but the original was fun. I'm still waiting to see the new Star Trek movies. They look awesome!

  13. I completely agree with your movie picks. Adn with your last paragraph.

  14. Love your picks! I couldn't quite name Star Trek as a favorite remake, because I grew up watching those old cheese-fests and still like them, even though the new ones are awesome.
    And Conan - definitely my worst, but I didn't put it in today because I was trying to forget the awfulness.

  15. I love Star Trek so much I'm happy with anything they put out, even back to the early movies with "Voyager" and the singing whales. It's a wonderful franchise, and I'll continue to watch anything they come up with. Yay Star Trek! :-)

  16. This is like the 3rd time I've heard about the awfulness of the Conan remake. I'll be sure to stay far away!

  17. I haven't seen either one, but I trust your judgment!

  18. yes, yes, killing Channing in anything is just plane crazy. I also think CONAN was weak, but I liked it for Rachel Nichols who is a delightful actress. Yay for STAR TREK

  19. Haven't watched Conan. I did love the Star Trek remake! I'm excited to see Into Darkness.

  20. I saw the first Conan, and I liked Arnold's role. Haven't seen the remake but I don't think I feel like watching it now. I've read several bad reviews today about it. Thanks for participating in the bloghop!

  21. Yay! I'm glad you liked the new Star Trek. I may go see it in a few days, once the crowds die down a little.

    And I didn't HATE the new Conan, but it was kind of dumb. :P

  22. The closest I've seen to any Conan movie is a Conan the Barbarian musical parody on Robot Chicken.

  23. Star Trek is fantastic. I really want to see the new film, but I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. And yeah, the new Conan movie was awful. Have a good weekend!

  24. I agree. Love the new Star Trek series. Even though the new movie is getting mixed reviews I'm still looking forward to it.

  25. J.J. Abrams reboot of Star Trek really has been terrific. Much as I hated to see the planet Vulcan destroyed (boy, did that take guts as a writer!), introducing the characters when they were young and still at the academy was brilliant. I'm really looking forward to Darkness.

    I haven't seen either version of Conan, but I'm always surprised when so much money and talent and Hollywood power can go into a movie like the remake and it just falls flat. Better to make a small original film than that.

  26. I wouldn't want to try filling Arnold's shoes. My mind's a blank, but has Hollywood tried remaking any of his other roles? WithTERMINATOR SALVATION, I remember they had to CGI him with a younger body...

  27. I saw the new Star Trek movie last week and loved it! Well worth seeing.

    I haven't seen the Connan remake.

  28. I haven't seen the new OR the old Conan. I am an Arnie fan when it comes to movies, but Jason Momoa is totally tempting with how plain darn smokin' hot he is! Recently saw him live and in da flesh and it was...noice. ;)

  29. My only complaint about the Star Trek reboot was that it was a time travel plot which never make sense and always have the cop out to change things at will.

    Arnold really captured Conan, the new guy wasn't even close.


  30. ...whereas I wanted the new Conan to work because Jason Momoa is lovely eye candy. Actually I haven't seen it so should reserve judgement!

    Dying to see Into Darkness though, even more since your glowing praise. Hubby is a huge trekkie to it shouldn't be a big sell I hope!

  31. I guess I need to relinquish my nerd card. I never did see the new Star Trek, and now the new one is out, and so I'm a full movie behind. I feel so out of it.

    (Never saw the Conans either, but that's really not my thing.)

  32. Help! Not another blogfest! I'm not familiar with the best and worst remakes you mention.

    I think the best remake is of "Bambi Meets Godzilla!" The worst remake, "The Poseidon Adventure."

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend, Michael :)

  33. The Star Trek movie introducing the new cast was amazing. They did a fantastic job. I've never seen the Conan movies.

  34. I didn't like the original Conan. I agree about Star Trek. Can't wait to see the new one.

  35. Yes, Yes and yes- I seem to agree with all you say in this post!

  36. I agree, the Star Trek reboot was so good. I'm dying the see the second one.

    Planet of the Apes is probably my pick for worst remake. That was such a bad movie, I wish they hadn't bothered.


  37. I really liked the Star Trek re-make too. Hadn't realized Into Darkness was already released! (The rock under which I live is quite large.) Stoked to go see it!
    Some Dark Romantic

  38. The last Star Trek movie was great and the trailer for Into Darkness looks it will uphold the same quality. I'm looking forward to see it!

  39. Yes, I agree with your best remake! J. J. Abrams rocks. He's going to make Escapement. Okay, he doesn't know it yet, but he will some day. ;)

  40. I actually enjoyed the Star Trek remake, and I don't follow Star Trek at all. I haven't seen Conan, so I can't weigh in there.


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