Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

I present to you my Christmas story for Heather Arundel's contest. You still have one week if you intend to enter. The prizes are a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card, a beautiful e-reader cozy, and a leather writing journal. So far there are only two entries including mine.
Leave a comment below saying "I would like an ARC" if you would like to read my debut novel set to be published in May. I shall choose a winner next year. I ask that if you are interested, to please visit my Goodreads page and mark it "to read".

My friends, I shall see you in January. May all of your
wishes come true.


  1. Good luck in the contest Michael! I totally should enter this, and yet I already have enough on my plate for the end of the year. Yep, still got some goals to achieve in December. hehe

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year in advance, Michael - I hope it's a great one for you!!! See you in the new year :)

  2. I don't see how I shall possibly top this story, but I'll enter anyway :-)

    I would like an ARC but I'm very bad at reviewing books in a timely fashion so perhaps you should give it to someone more deserving, (especially as I intend to buy a copy anyway).

    Have a wonderful break Michael, I look forward to adventures next year.

  3. Love the poem. Happy Holidays to you and yours...see you in 2012.

  4. Your holiday poem is hilarious. :) I wish you a terrific holiday. Eat lots of goodies, relax, and have fun!

  5. Happy holidays, and happy new year, Michael! :-)

  6. Just on presentation alone, you're a winner. I've had a look at the Goodreads page. I suspected you had a twisted mind, but now I'm pretty sure. People get killed to top up network ratings? Interesting way to make a living. Premise sounds interesting though, so I would like an ARC if I'm the winner.

  7. Wait, we can do poetry too? But for the record I don't like egg nog. Though I always wonder what other kinds of nog there are.

  8. Hehehe! That was great! Happy Christmas and have a fabulous new year. :)

    I would like an ARC!

  9. I was all over this story until I learned Grumpy doesn't like eggnog, now I'm not so sure.

    I kid - great story, and no ARC for me. I'll read the real thing when it comes out.

  10. Wow, fancy stationary and everything! Fun to see one of your blog buddies immortalized in print. I've got your novel on my "to read" list and I'll download it when it comes out.

    Merry Christmas.

  11. I'm sure he will get a kick out of that - and appreciate all the work you put into it!

  12. Cute!

    Of course, I would like an ARC.

  13. I would like an ARC :)

    Happy holidays and happy new year. See ya.

  14. Great story, Michael. You have a wonderful creative gift.

  15. Great story and art work. I really like the tough looking bulldog at the end.

  16. Oh! I love the whimsy! You've done an amazing job. I plan to purchase your book so I don't need a giveaway. I'd rather pay to support the Supra Genius! Thank you for entering and for all your support. Have a wonderful holiday and a profitable New Year!

  17. LOL That's awesome. If I have time, I'll write something up; I just don't see that happening. Not that anything will beat your grumpy Grumpy Bulldog tale. Unless...! I coule write a Grumpy tale, too! Except I probably won't.
    I do sort of have a story in mind, but it's way more than 500 words.

    I'd take an ARC. Then, I could do a review for the launch. But I'm okay with waiting and buying it, too.

  18. bah... I hate when I forget to click the email button >:(

  19. @Trisha: See you in the New Year as well Trisha. Thanks for stopping by.

    @Sarah: I look forward to reading your entry, and I hope you're feeling better.

    @Em-Musing: Thank you and Merry Christmas.

    @Brinda: Thanks. Merry Christmas.

    @Hot Coco: I hope we both get skinnier in the New Year.

    @J.L.: I have a twisted mind? Ayep...most likely. As writers though, I think that we are all a little insane.

    @Grumpy: It's a story with rhyme, not a poem. Read Dr. Seuss? It's done in that style of "Cat in the Hat". Don't be mad because your story will suck.

    @Christine: I will add you to the list. I'm only putting people on the list that exclusively say "I want an ARC" like yourself because I know I have lots of bloggy friends that just want to be bloggy friends. Kinda like those ppl at work that know you but never want your phone number or to know where you live.

    @Rusty: You are a gentleman and a scholar Mr. Death Egg.

    @L.G.: I worked for a couple hours on that stationary. I got a word cut off on the right. It's "look" if anyone wonders. But I'm not redoing it. Too much hassle.

    @Alex: You should enter Heather's contest.

    @faraway: I'll add you to the list. Thank you for the support.

    @Ocean: I will add you to the list dearie. :) I appreciate the support. As always, my contests are international. Merry Christmas.

    @Stephen: Wow...thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I'd like to turn it into a MG novel someday and flesh it out and stuff, but that goes on the heap of things I want to do. Writing is hard!

    @Cindy: Thanks and Merry Christmas.

    @Heather: I look forward to trouncing Mr. Pagel.

    @Andrew: Thanks for the support. I'll add you to the list and hope that you do enter the contest.

  20. Michael, great rhyming and story. Good luck in the contest! I'm always impressed with people who can do verse so well! Best wished! And, this story was so you!

  21. Tried to like your upcoming book on B&N and put "to read" with a comment. It looked like it took -- but couldn't tell. If not, let me know and I'll go back. The book really grabbed my attention. Wish you success. Merry Christmas!

  22. Gremlins and Christmas - that fits.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's.

  23. That was awesome Michael. I love all the pictures you put in too.

    Of course I'd like an ARC!


  24. dude. Definitely put me down for wanting an Arc.

    Merry Xmas! (see what i did there?)

  25. good stuff, mike :)

    have a blast over the holidays, yourself!

    i'm all for the arc... isn't that what moses used? :P lol

    as for noah's ark...

    will do the goodreads thing once i'm done here

  26. i did the trick, but see no results... maybe i goofed?

  27. Great poem--and I like the way it was presented in an image!

    Happy Holidays!

  28. That was a terrific poem, and to think, all he had to do was scratch his butt! Good luck on the contest and have a wonderful holiday. See you in January and thanks for your friendship.

  29. Happy Holidays Michael. God bless you and your loved ones.
    Terrific poem and in such details too. One day I shall read this to my grandson (he is six). I am sure he will love every bit of detail.
    I do intend to get your book. Will ask one of my kids to book mark it on "good read".
    I may look at that contest depending on what kind of work day I will be thrown in tomorrow.
    Stay safe and healthy:)

  30. Great poem... very clever:) Merry Christmas...

    I would like an ARC:)

  31. Good luck in the contest. Merry Christmas, and see you next year.

  32. Nice bit of narrative poetry! Hope you have a wonderful holiday- you know with Santa Claus and ho, ho, ho and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls (*ahem* that would be me-- I kid, I kid!) Merry Christmas!

  33. You get THIRTY-FOUR comments? See what happens when you put a little effort into something? I could probably learn from that. But I won't. This was EXCELLENT. Especially the villain. That is EXACTLY how Grumpy Bulldog would take over a Christmas tree.

    Your story deserves to win, and I don't say that to just anyone. (I only say it to people who enter contests.)

  34. Congratulations on the novel! Have a happy New Year!

  35. @Patricia: Thank you. I cheated and used the online rhyming dictionary whenever I got stuck. You just type in a word and it gives you all the rhymes. That makes it easy.

    @ADaftScotsLass: You too.

    @Patricia: It indeed did take. Thank you.

    @Diane: I agree.

    @Donna: Yours is already in the mail dearie.

    @Sarah: I will I will

    @Laughing: Definitely have added you to the list sir.

    @The Golden Eagle: Thank you

    @Belle: You're welcome

    @Munir: Thank you.

    @Nancy: Have a Happy Holiday as well.

    @Carol: Agreed. I shall see you next year.

    @Danette: We should in the least exchange addresses for Christmas cards next year. I think that would be fun.

    @Briane: I think the key Mr. Pagel is to take an interest in others and comment on their blogs.

    @Libby: Thank you.

  36. Best of luck in the contest, Michael. May your Christmas be magical!

  37. merry christmas, my genius friend! that was lot of fun!

  38. Excellent, well done and the artwork is wonderful too. Happy Christmas and I would love an ARC.

  39. What a great story! Good luck.

    Merry Christmas!

  40. How fun! I would like an ARC.

    Happy New Year!

  41. After all the comments and adulation by your adoring fans, it leaves me with little more to add to your entertaining and exceptional posting.
    And thus, I do so hope you had a fantastic 'Boxing Day Eve' and a 2012 full of promise and positivity.
    Kind wishes, shy and humble Gary from his unassuming and quite right, very unknown, blog site.....

  42. Very cute story! Fancy images you have going on with it, too. Love it!

    Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. :D And heck yeah, I would like an ARC, but it's already on my to read list so if I don't win, come May I'll be buying that baby anyway.

  43. Great entry, Michael! I really hope you win.

    Thank you so much for the awesome comment you left on my blog. I'm so glad you like my drawings :)

    I would love an ARC of your book! It sounds super exciting and I've marked it as "to read" on my Goodreads list.

  44. Holy crap you did it! I remember you were mulling this idea around on twitter and it turned out very lovely for someone who wasn't sure they could write MG. Happy Holidays (and may you have many marathons of TBBT)

  45. Awesome Christmas post! Love it! And heck yeah I want an ARC of your book!

  46. Hey, if Santa is taking orders, I'll take a nook too.

  47. hmm, I never win these blog contest things. Or other contests either. But I'm ok with that.
    I would like an ARC...

  48. Great story. And of course, I would like an Arc and buy your story when it comes out. If you want me to do a review on my blog, I'd be happy to.

  49. Good luck to you in everything. I'm not much into rhymes as my brain becomes confused to easily. But I do like your pictures on your post. Now those I can follow.

  50. Aw, that was a fun little story, and great illustrations!

    Over at the Kelworth Files, I'm celebrating my 400th post, and have named you as one of my MVPs for all your great comments! Thanks so much!

  51. Drop by our blog to pick up the "smart cookie" award.

  52. Good luck in the contest! Nice entry!

  53. Very clever and nicely done! Hope you have a merry merry and safe new year!

  54. @Cate: Thank you. I hope yours was magical. Mine was good but there was no sorcery to it.

    @Laura: Wile E. Coyote, Supra-Genius.

    @Claire: I shall add you to the list. Thank you for visiting :)

    @Blogger Girlz: You two so work it.

    @Donna: I shall add you to the list :)

    @klahanie: lol. Thank you sir.

    @Tonja: Thank you.

    @CherylAnne: came out of hiding? Welcome back to the blogosphere :)

    @Kristy: I hope so too. Thank you and I shall add you to the list.

    @Steph: I did indeed. I think I'd like to make the story longer though...maybe try that MG story idea out that you and I spoke about on twitter.

    @Alison: Thank you and I shall add you to the list.

    @Alice: I like my Nook, but I think I should have waited for the new ones. Technology is so frustrating.

    @Clarissa: I shall add you to the list. Thank you.

    @Stephen: Thank you for visiting. It's written in Dr. Seuss style. Honestly, the audience for this piece is between 5 and 12. It really isn't for adults so I doubt even were you into rhymes that you'd get much pleasure from it.

    @Kelworth: Thanks Chris.

    @Kelley: You too. As Eddie Murphy might say, "Merry New Year".

    @Blogger Girlz: Thank you. I shall blog about it next week.

    @Jemi: Thank you.

    @Missing Moments: It's no sunset. Thanks for visiting.

  55. Aww, your story is adorable! It looks like something I would write, like my verse Platform Campaign entries. Adorable is probably the last thing Mr. Grumpy wants to hear, but you did an awesome job. I'm going to enter later, I hope. If my cold doesn't kick my behind back to bed.

    Yes, I want an ARC of your book! I marked it TBR on Goodreads. But send it now if you want a final edit. My eyes are sharp at catching mistakes Mr. Gates can't see, and I owe you. And thanks for commenting on my blog, which reminded me to visit yours!

  56. Your poem is top-notch -- you've got to win!

  57. I SO want an ARC of your book. Can't wait.

    I'll be following right behind with my own publisher and get ARCs out 1st Quarter next year too.

    Happy New Year, Michael. Let's make 2012 an even better year - and one without Gremlin-Bulldogs.

  58. A wonderful, magical, holiday tale, Michael! Loved it. Hope you're having a great holiday.

    I would love to have an ARC of your book. I hope I'm not too late to enter!

  59. Very clever story with poetic cadence. Since I live in GA, I laughed that the villian was a bulldog (in UGA colors!) Best of luck in the contest!! Have a very Happy 2012 :)

  60. Well, I did it. I posted the contest story on my blog, but my comment doesn't show on Heather's blog yet. You know where to find me if you want to read it. Happy New Year, and I still want that ARC!

  61. Back to say Happy New Year and best wishes to you in the coming days. Hope we all find success with our writing projects!

  62. Happy New Year Michael. Genius story! And super presentation, You got a few comments too!

    Thanks to you I got the urge to enter the contest too, but I'm not sure that people are finding all those who've entered as there's no linky.

    Mine is here if you want a read:


  63. Sorry to be so late to the party. Where was I when this post came up? Lol.

    I would like ARC!!!!! Eep!

  64. I, also, would like an ARC. Hope that your contest goes well, and doesn't stress you out too much!

  65. How in the hell did I miss this? Ugh. That's what I get for taking a break during the holidays. I would love the privilege of reviewing your book in an ARC! It would be awesome :)

  66. Okay, this is quite late but I was very unplugged over the holidays...
    Love the bulldog poem, Michael, and yes I'd love to read Slipstream and so I want an ARC.

  67. Slipstream sounds really interesting and I would definitely like an ARC. I can't wait to see how you handle this story.

  68. "I would like an ARC."

    Easiest entry for a giveaway ever. :)

  69. You have so many comments, I can't even find my comment. LOL. Yes, I want to enter for an ARC. :)

  70. Hell yes I would like an ARC. Don't know how the heck I forgot to enter. Must be Doorways taking control of my mind...


  71. I couldn't agree more with MISHA!

    YOU know I would like and ARC...

    I couldn't be more happy for you. Michael, you have worked so very hard this past year. You should be very proud of yourself.

    All the best in 2012. Who do you see playing the lead roles in the motion picture version?

    I know you have the actors already picked out... don't you? LOL.

  72. I would love an arc if I haven't already said so. I can't wait to read Slipstream.

  73. I would love an ARC from one of my favorite bloggers! If not - I am excited to get the book when it comes out!

  74. I read this story before Christmas and loved it, but forgot to say I'd love to get an ARC. I'd like an ARC, please!


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