Friday, February 14, 2014

A lightning bolt to the top of the world's tallest building reminds us how cool it is when heaven and earth collide in violence

Click to EMBIGGEN!
Photographer Michael Shainblum named this picture "Tesla Tower" and said he stood out in the rain four hours trying to get it. I'd say, "well done." It's the most spectacular picture of this kind I've ever seen. I guess a lightning bolt to the top of the world's tallest building reminds us how cool it is when heaven and earth collide in violence.

May lightning strike for you too this Valentine's day. I'll be back next Wednesday as Monday is a holiday.


  1. You're taking off for President's Day? Really? Come on, that's barely even a holiday. Woof, woof. That's the sound of you doggin' it out there.

  2. That's a pretty amazing shot.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  3. @P.T.: I get President's Day off. So yeah, it's a holiday.

  4. Has he not heard of Photoshop? Kidding aside, that's an amazing snap.

    Moody Writing

  5. Wooooooooooo! That's amazing. Lightning photos are always fucking incredible!

  6. I wonder how often that building gets hit by lightning. I would think it would be pretty frequently. Being the tallest building and all.

    Still, an amazing shot. (Getting a pic of lightning is hard.)

  7. Epic. I was thinking beauty but I guess violence works too.

  8. I read that he ruined one of his cameras trying to get that shot. I'm glad he got something epic out of it, otherwise it would have been a costly attempt.

  9. The difference between stubbornness and perseverance is art.That photo took a lot of waiting in the rain and it is spectacular.

  10. Yes, that is cool. Nature is awesome. Have a good weekend.


  11. That really is a gorgeous shot. I have this thing about lightning photos -- a split second of dangerous beauty.

  12. That's just amazing. That would make a great print or poster too.

    I was stuck by myself in a hotel room on Valentine's. Had a convention to go to (why they hold it every Valentine's Day Weekend is beyond me).

  13. Here in Serbia we are incredibly proud of our scientist Tesla!

  14. That is an amazing shot. Four hours is what I call dedication.


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