Monday, July 22, 2024

I'll be back on August 7th for the IWSG.

Well, it's been a chaotic month both in politics and in local events. On the national stage we have an attempted political assassination, and we have a president choosing to serve only one term and leaving democrats in disarray. On the local front there are wildfires burning that I can see from my house, and every single day is 100 degrees, and it feels like I live in a convection oven.

So I think this is a good time for me to take a blog break.  I will be back on Wednesday, August 7th for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Maybe that extra time will grant me some perspective on what kinds of things to write about. Wishing all of you well out there :).


  1. After this, I'm on break until then as well. Yeah, two crazy weekends in a row. Hope you get a heat break. We're finally back into the 80's here although 90's are typical for our area in July.

  2. I heard about that fire. I hope it doesn't get too close. Anyway have fun on your break.

  3. Yikes, fires are scary. Take care.


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