Friday, March 7, 2014

Agents of Shield just went all X-Files this week

One of the best scenes ever. Dana Scully finds a frozen alien baby.
Some of you are probably too young to remember the X-Files and that makes me sad. For what it was worth, the X-Files had a great first season and hooked me right off the bat with a weird arctic worm episode that led to more weirdness and an episode that even taught me the meaning of the word "exsanguinate." Well that first season ended with Dana Sculley getting an epiphany from a computer chip she found that ultimately led to her entering a silo, correctly guessing the password, and then pulling out an alien baby from a container (where it was frozen). And Tuesday night while I was watching A.G.E.N.T.S. I totally had a deja vu moment. Silo? Check. Strange alien-looking thing? Check. Password? Check (although Coulson got it wrong).
So who's the guy in the big jar? No idea.
The main plot of the Tahiti episode revolved around saving Skye from a fatal bullet wound inflicted in an episode a few weeks earlier. Because her wounds were so bad, it required figuring out how Coulson got resurrected. We'd already seen the weird surgery performed on his brain, but all the science was saved for this episode for Fitz and Simmons to figure out (which they did). It turns out that there was a miracle drug. Naturally, this "miracle drug" was the by-product of a creature kept in a tank with tubes coming out of it. Of course, all this was located in a super secret facility.

So yeah...X-Files.

I've been kind of waiting for Agents to gel together; to get to a point where it sits well in my mind and I definitely think its gotten there. I look forward to new episodes like a fat kid looks forward to a cheeseburger. But it also is a much different viewpoint of the Marvel comics than I had originally anticipated. See...I thought the series was going to be about super heroes kicking ass and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents being alongside them. But now, I realize it's going to more of "The X-Files" meets "Mission: Impossible" (at least that's how my pitch would have gone).

On a side note, it was pretty awesome seeing Bill Paxton make an appearance. I hope we see more of him. 


  1. They really buried the lead on the Coulson resurrection. Not that this episode would have made me watch the show again; I find too many of the characters annoying to bother with it.

  2. That was a unique twist. Shame the place blew up.

  3. I never really watched the X-Files, except for a stray episode here and there, but I agree with you on S.H.I.E.L.D. I think they're figuring things out.

  4. I don't trust Paxton's character. S.H.E.I.L.D. did a lot of morally gray stuff this episode, but almost all of it was driven by Paxton's character. I don't know if this theory will hold up, but i think there's a slight possibility that Paxton is the Clairvoyant

  5. @Sarah: That's a fascinating observation. I totally didn't think that about Paxton's character. As the clairvoyant? Hell yes that makes sense!

  6. Haven't gotten into this program yet, but when we returned from vacation our son presented us with all six seasons of "Breaking Bad." Mrs. C. and I are up to season III and totally hooked.

  7. My kids and I watched a lot of episodes of X- Files and the first one of the X- Files movies.

  8. Wonder what's going to happen to Skye? She's alive but injected with...*points* I definitely remember X-Files.

  9. I gave up after the first three or four episodes, but glad to hear its getting its act together (finally).


  10. Paxton as the clairvoyant... Hmmm...

    I'm actually up to date for a change. And that guy in the... Creeped me out big time.

    I never watched X-Files *ducks head in shame*. (Although Chris Carter is on the Wall of Fame at one of the schools I sub at. He's an alumni.)

  11. That's obviously dr manhattan from Watchmen

  12. I haven't really gotten into this show. Maybe I'll catch up.

  13. I don't watch AGENTS but I got semi-hooked on the X-Files (especially the funnier episodes) when I flipped to it by accident one night and was struck by the unusual camera angles and story.

  14. "X-Files meets Mission: Impossible. " Yep, that sums it up pretty good. And I think Sarah is spot on. What a great twist if Paxton turns out to be the clairvoyant.

  15. I was a huge fan of X-files. It doesn't surprise me that some of the concepts are being recycled. Maybe it was accidental. That show was epic.


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