Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm kind of excited about Star Wars Rebels. Okay I'm REALLY excited mostly because this new concept art totally channels Ralph McQuarrie

So I saw on io9 last night that Star Wars Celebration Europe had a big reveal: concept art for the follow-up series to the Clone Wars. If you weren't reading my blog in the spring, I did my whole A to Z challenge on the Clone Wars despite the fact that Cartoon Network had canceled it. I (like many Star Wars fans) have been in the dark up until now.

So here's some fantastic concept art that was shown and if you're a fan of Ralph McQuarrie, you should be able to see the artistic nod. In short: it looks awesome!
Cool logo
This picture looks like it could have been a module written by West End Games.
I wonder what planet this is. The action in just these stills looks promising though.
Scheduled to appear in fall of 2014, it is supposed to take place between episodes III and IV. Basically, it is after the Emperor has taken over and Yoda has fled Coruscant. So if this series features any Jedi at all, my guess is it will be Obi Wan or Yoda. Maybe they'll have the ghost of Qui-gon teaching Obi-Wan the ability to live beyond death. That would be really cool.

So are you excited for Star Wars Rebels?


  1. I am definitely not in the know when it comes to Star Wars games and stuff. I just know the movies :) And I haven't even seen all of those! But I did have some experience as an 80s child with the plastic toys that came out around then :)

  2. At least you'll be getting your fix soon.

  3. The art looks great, and I like the situation as it seems to have a lot of potential for many stories.

  4. Very cool artwork. What a great job to have, drawing concept art for movies.

  5. for some reason I see naughty things in that last art work :)

  6. My impression is that the only Jedi will be the stragglers Vader is hunting down. But they're being pretty tight-lipped about the whole thing.

  7. I know nada...but it's still fun to read your posts.

  8. I wish I had time. Been finishing my WIP so right now the world stands still for me.

    Hmmmm .. I wonder what Earth will be like once I finish and allow it to begin rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun again.

  9. I have no idea of what direction they are going but there are around six factions in Star Wars - Empire, Rebels, Senate, Mandalorians, Hutts, and Smugglers/Traders. I'd love to see something that starts about 5-10 years after the ending of episode III which would allow them to show Boba Fett and Han Solo as young men and document the rise of Jabba. As Wedge was older than Luke they could show him working towards becoming an X-Wing pilot then fill in the universe around them.

    The most popular cartoons seem to focus on 15-25 year olds learning their way in the world as it allows kids to put themselves in their shoes. It seems logical they'd use a few of the characters we know instead of 'reinventing the whole wheel'.

    I can't wait to see it.

  10. I am a little, I'm glad we returned to a post-Republic galaxy.

  11. I wonder if they'll tell the tale of how the Rogue Squadron assembled. That would be sweet! :)

  12. Impressive artwork...even though I'm really not into Star Wars. The hubby is, though.

  13. Looks great! Poor alien termite mounds though...

  14. LOL @ Dezzy! His imagination seems more fun than mine... (;

  15. Those looks fantastic! Thanks for keeping me updated. I'm so far out of the loop with these things.

  16. I'm a bit beyond the Star Wars series but I imagine Star Wars fans will find much here to approve of.

  17. I'll be a lot happier once they get past the early stuff and move onto post episode six stuff. The whole young Anakin storyline doesn't work for me. He's annoying.


  18. Not one I know, but I was wondering about your opinion of Under The Dome is now that it's been on for awhile.

  19. The art is beautiful, and I certainly appreciate it even if I don't watch the animation Star Wars (but of course I've seen all the movies). Personally, I'm more of a Star Trek fan simply because that was my scifi favorite when I was a kid and Star Wars came later.

  20. 'm not in the know but your blog post has piqued my interest.

  21. @Yolanda: So far, I've liked it. The characters are very creepy. Especially the boy who is imprisoning the girl and his insane, conniving father, Jim.

  22. I'm not excited about SW Rebels, but I'm happy you're excited! There hasn't been anything on TV or in the theaters that I've been excited about for some time. (Except NFL, and my ESPN channel has disappeared and shows no signs of coming back.) It's a sad day in Whoville. :(

  23. I'd love to find out more about that period of time, between episodes III and IV. Sounds exciting!


  24. Love the artwork. I never watched The Clone Wars but just loved your A-Z posts.


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