Friday, April 21, 2023

Are you scared of A.I.?'s happened now. A.I. has won a prestigious international photography contest. And thankfully, the artist who submitted the photo came clean and said that it was completely AI-generated. I was wondering how long it was going to take for this to happen. It turns out...only a few months. You can read the original article HERE on CNN. My commentary follows (oh, and here's the picture):

Taken from the CNN article, "The eerie black and white image shows two women from different generations--the older woman appearing to hang onto the younger woman from behind." It's a remarkable photo, and it was generated in probably under a minute.

I was talking to my friend, Joseph (also a roommate) about this last night. I'm afraid that A.I. is going to take jobs...tons of jobs. And I also already realize that it has made any of my artistic skills obsolete. Like, it can now do anything I was able to do, better, faster, in greater quantity, etc. It's just nuts how fast this happened, and I'm glad that I have a real job (at least for now). I also wonder how long it will be before none of us can tell the difference between what a computer has done and what is done by a real person?

Anyone else scared of this new technology? Anyone else want to comment about it?


  1. I'm concerned all right. Not just jobs could be lost, either. Have these AI creators never seen The Terminator? Three separate AIs have already stated it would be better for the Earth if humans weren't here. That should terrify people.

  2. I was trying the AI on Bing last night to create stories. They weren't that great. At least with writing it's only learned to sketch; it hasn't learned how to shade the pictures with details. I'm sure in time it will.

  3. How long until the singularity now?
