Friday, December 14, 2012

Oculus book tour and a $50 Amazon gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway I shall return to regular postings on this blog on Monday, January 2nd, 2013 with the Insecure Writer's Support Group. In the meantime have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This Contest ends Sunday, January 6th at midnight.
From now until Monday, January 7th, I would like to dangle this $50 gift card in front of you as a kind of prize for doing something very simple for me (and I promise it will only take about a minute of your time a day).

Each day of my book tour up until January 7th, I will update/edit this posting with a "TWEET OF THE DAY." This "Tweet" will appear below the embedded twitter graphic. All you have to do is copy and paste that tweet into twitter and hit send. Then comment here and say "tweet sent." Only one comment per day please on this post!  Also if you are super lazy, you can just retweet me when I tweet the book tour stop of the day. But be sure to comment here so it counts as an entry by saying "I retweeted you."

IF YOU DON'T HAVE TWITTER but would like participating in the drawing, then visit the blog on which I'm appearing and comment once and then comment here that you visited. The twitter option is much simpler though because you don't even have to go read what I wrote. Only one comment per day please on this post!

On January 7th, I will do a of all the comments here. Obviously the more comments you have, the better chance you have that you will be the one chosen by to win the $50 Amazon gift card.

Anyone in the world may enter as often as they want including book tour hosts.

And that's it.

Easy Peasy.
TWEET FOR JANUARY 3rd:  PLS RT- In #Oculus there's a strong allegorical element. Who knew? #amreading

BONUS TWEET: Pls RT - A #giveaway of $50 for just sending ONE tweet and commenting. Way easier than the #fiscalcliff. Details here:

BLOG I'M AT:  I'm at Indie Book Blog.

Thank you for all the support.

If you want to see who I've scheduled, please check the Oculus Book Tour tab above. I will update this post to let people know where I'm at that day, and a link to send you there if you wish to read it.

At each step of my book tour, I'll be giving away stuff. There's a free bookmark, signed paperback books, and electronic books to be had. So feel free to enter those if you want. Have a great holiday.


  1. Hooray! So excited to be part of your book tour & I love the sound of your competition. :-)

  2. I can't wait to have you at The Imaginarium. It's going to be so much fun. :) Congratulations!

  3. I'm looking forward to your book tour, it's going to be great. And have fun in Las Vegas! So jealous (; Enjoy your Christmas break and New Year!

  4. You'll have fun in Vegas. Don't forget the IWSG on January 2.

  5. Mike,
    Wishing you every success with your tour and with book sales too. I'm on Oculus as soon as I have a reader I like, which should be soon. Have a wonderful Christmas when it comes!

  6. Yay!! I hope the book tour drums you up some sales! I'll try my best to retweet you every day

  7. I dunno, I don't just retweet anyone...

  8. I forgot to return the email about the blog tour. My apologies. I did, however, already buy your books and a crappy Kindle on which to read them. :)

  9. @Alex: Thanks for the reminder, Alex. I'll get that scheduled.

    @Joy: Thank you for being so supportive.

    @Falen: You are the best.

    @Tonja: I think enough people signed on for it that I'm good. This book tour is huge. Course I've no idea how good Roxanne has been at communicating with people. I'm glad though that I did not have to write all those contact emails.

  10. Woo hoo!

    Your blog tour is gonna rock. I will be a Twittering Twit fo' sho.

  11. Awesome idea! Definitely going to help out. (Btw, just include me in any tweet @EJWesley and I'll automatically RT for you, no need to enter me each time if you don't think of it--just cause I think you're great. :) Very serious congrats, Michael.

    Also, I'm INSANELY jealous of you getting to go to CES. Do you get to attend for work, or are you going for fun? (I'd absolutely go for fun incidentally. Nerd like that ...) Hoe you'll share some of the cool things you see and do, and good luck with the launch!

  12. What I want to know is whether you get your own tour bus. If you have that many stops to make, I don't think you should have to be the one driving.

  13. Congrats on the new book and release/blog festivus coming up. And have fun in Vegas. Well, you know, don't get arrested or anything. :)

  14. You know how to throw a party, Michael! And I've got mad tweeting skills, so... ya know. ;-)

    And I want to go to Vegas! For fun. Think I'll fit in your suitcase? And for real, so proud of you, Michael. Exciting stuff here. Can't wait. :D

  15. Hope the tour goes well, Michael. I'll be happy to help however I can. Have a wonderful holiday.

  16. Of course I'll retweet you. Good luck with the blog tour.

  17. CONGRATS Michael.

    I am really excited for you! I'd be more that happy to tweet away!

    What a fun an novel concept....

    HAPPY HOLIDAYs to you TOO!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Congrats on the tour, Mike! I'll try to do your bidding, but my mouse-hand tendonitis is still healing.

  19. Sounds like it will be a great tour!

  20. Since I flaked out on signing up for your blog tour (which I shoulda done and not just assumed my blog was too obscure), the least I can do, Michael dear, is happily follow your blog tour and comment faithfully, especially since I don't tweet. I'll also give you a shout out on my posting for this Monday, and over the holidays I should FINALLY have time to sit and enjoy Oculus.

    Have a splendid holiday.

  21. I just wanted to stop in and wish you a very merry Christmas! I hope that this coming year is a great one for you! Have a wonderful holiday!


  22. You have a fun contest going. I'll happily tweet for you.

  23. The best of luck with your tour, and enjoy your time in Sin City!

  24. Going to be a really busy time for you. I'll try ot visit as much as I can and follow you everywhere.

  25. Long book tours are great!! :) Very excited for you Michael! I will be probably retweeting...but we'll see. ;)

  26. The drawing will begin with comment number 30, which occurs right after this post. I will a winner on January 7th. Thank you everyone. Please remember to just say "I tweeted" in the comment or alternately "I visited." That's it.

  27. Excellent plan to get the word out. I'll definitely drop by as often as I can to get the day's tweet.

    Not because I necessarily want to win, but because you're awesome and I want to help you get the word out.

    Let me know if there's more I can do. :-)

    Tweet sent.

  28. Michael, you rock, and I'm sure your newest fictional creation is as great as the first! Can't wait to read it.

  29. I'm back from NYC and wanted to stop in to see you. Congrats on the tour. I tweeted today. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help out.

  30. Wow. Looks like you're all set to go. Enjoy it.

  31. Excellent giveaway! Good luck with the tour. I'm doing the same thing this week. Busy before crashing next week!

  32. It all looks very exciting. Good luck with the tour.

  33. How nice of you to keep us non-Twitter people in the loop. I'll see you on my blog tomorrow!

    I'm sharing this on Facebook.

  34. I hope this is still open, cause I just entered.

  35. Congrats on a great start to your tour! Tweet sent. :)

  36. Yay! Will be seeing you on Friday when you visit my blog.

    I tweeted!

  37. Look at all those Ts you put for my blog name. I like it! Most people just write Theresa's Tales.

  38. Very cool idea. I'll add my tweet today.

    Merry Christmas, Michael!

  39. Entering your contest and then off to see you!

  40. Tweet sent!

    What a neat thing here, Michael. Go Oculus!

  41. I just might have to give myself a little something extra this year. Congrats to your book #2 release (off to see if preorder is available)! :)

  42. Tweeted!!! Hey, lemme know if I can be of help with the tour. ;)


  43. Good luck with your tour! And here's hoping your Rafflecopter turns into a monster too ;)

  44. Tweet sent!

    I hope the blog tour goes well!

    Happy Holidays!

  45. Another new book from you! Congratulations! To your success!

  46. Loads of success with your tour and books sales, Michael. I'm off my blog now, too. But I can't stay away from all of my favorite writer friends, so I simply have to visit.
    Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

  47. Michael, I've been seeing you all over the blogosphere so I think the blog tour is going really well! Congratulations!


  48. Best of luck!
    I tweeted for you. :)

  49. Tweeted. Good Luck to you!
    Jill Haugh

  50. I RT'ed you, and now I'm commenting here so you can stop complaining about how we're all too well-to-do to pass up $50. Although for the record, I'd be perfectly happy RT'ing you and telling people about your books without the $50 gift card. I am literally only commenting to make you happy. So you damn well best be happy, Mr. Offutt!

  51. I tweeted (third time now, but I get busy and don't come back to comment--the tweet's the important thing anyway. It doesn't matter if I'm entered in the drawing or not).

  52. Tweeted and this looks super exciting, Michael! I wish you all the best man. *waving and smiling*

  53. Good luck with the book tour I've made it a point to get involved and follow along regardless of how crazy this time of year is.

  54. Have a wonderful time in Vegas Dude, and enjoy your break. See ya on the other side :)


  55. Holy carp, this is some AWESOME book tour. Good luck. Off to tweet.

  56. Excellent blog- extravaganza! I tweeted & +1'd it! Let me know if I can do anything else. :)

  57. This is awesome of you! My tweet has been sent!

  58. What a great idea for a draw. Very inventive, Michael. Hope your time in Vegas is fun. Congratulations on your book tour. Best Wishes for a great Christmas.

  59. Sounds like you are going to have a fun and busy time.
    I retweeted you.

  60. Hi Michael. I saw that Ellie Garratt hosted you on her blog and she's a pal of I'm here to say Hello! Best of luck with all your writings!

  61. Hi Michael,

    Even though I'm now typing from another dimension, I going to post up your article, I hope, to the social networks back in the dimension you may well still be in.

  62. I tweeted for today.

  63. Dude, I'm not coming here every day to scroll all the way to Nebraska to let you know I tweeted. Besides, I already have my book and I'm happy. (;

  64. Awesome prize, and good luck on your book tour!

  65. I saw the cover and excerpt for Oculus over at PT Dilloway's blog. It's amazing! I love both of your covers. The stories are fascinating too. Have a Merry!

  66. Awesome! Congratulations! Retweeting now!

  67. I hope I handled that the right way. Congrats on your blog tour.

  68. Finally back at my computer and able to tweet again. ;-)

    Love Slipstream so far, by the way.

  69. I tweeted for ya today, Michael! I can't seem to get the Rafflecopter thingy to work for me though. Happy New Year!! (((Hugs)))

  70. Book two already! Congrats, Mike, I wish I could write that fast. Sad to say I'm always rewriting. But one day I'll have a book worth reading and maybe re-reading.

  71. Tweet sent - though I did just pop in to wish you a belated merry Christmas and New year.
    Laura x

  72. Have fun and travel safely. I hope that you keep writing and enriching the world of writers. May God give you health and happiness. Amein.

  73. Awesome! Hope your Christmas Day was wonderful! :)

  74. OK, finally got hep to this whole thang and have tweeted for Dec. 26. Will do my bestest to keep up! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  75. OK, I am finally hep to what's goin' on here and have Tweeted your Dec. 26 thang. Will do my bestest to keep up!
    Some Dark Romantic

  76. Sorry for the double post^. Anyway, I've tweeted for the 27th!
    Some Dark Romantic

  77. tweet + bonus tweet sent hope you're having fun!

  78. Wow, I have been such a terrible blogger friend re: this tour! I guess I got distracted by Christmas and the horrible hot weather we're having here!

  79. Whoa! You have one heck of an event scheduled! I wish you great success with it.

    Tossing It Out

  80. tweeted (Re-tweeted)


  81. Sent two tweets regarding this post. The first one was too long I think but anyway--Happy New Year!

  82. TWEETED TODAY... THE 28th ...

    Hi, Michael

    Thanks for your comment. It's much appreciated. I hope you had a great Christmas... ALL THE BEST for the coming New year! ANY HOT PLANS?

    Here's the bonus tweet!

    R U hanging with Morg and the other writers tonight?

  83. I'll tweet today (28th) and whenever I visit! Happy New Year, Michael.

  84. Hey Michael,

    Still tweeting for you and even been 'Farcebooking' all of this.

    Remember, my friend, I'm always around in the background if you ever need a chat.

    Stay positive and keep smiling, even through gritted teeth :)


  85. michael, sounds like fun!!! have a great new year!!

  86. Good luck with the book tour, sounds like you've got it all covered!

  87. excellent idea! best wishes & a happy & prosperous new year!

  88. Very generous of you, Michael. Hope your holidays have been wonderful :)

  89. all the best in 2013 to you and yours, mike :)

  90. A wee bit late in the day (but better late than never?) Tweeted for the 31st!

  91. Hi, Michael

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! ALL The best for 2013!

    I tweeted.... first tweet for the new year! lol.

    bonus tweet ...

  92. Yo, check it: one of my tweets somehow found its way here:!stories (Never heard of this site before, have you?)

  93. Congrats and may 2013 find your bank account filled with credits to the end of the printable sheet and the printer runs out of pages. :)

  94. WOW just love all the comments you have received here! Congratulations on the book!!!! Have a fantastic new year :)

  95. I don't tweet; but I'm playing catch up on the blog tour :) The posts I've read are exciting.


  96. I tweeted again today. I can't remember to do the post thing after I tweet (even though you TELL us to after the instructions). :)

  97. Good Morning Michael...

    I tweeted... Cheap! Cheap!

    Bonus Tweet...

    I will drop by Laura's in a sec....

  98. (Re)Tweeted for Jan. 4.

    Also; I read your post for today and I have to say that I admire the work you do outside of writing. The way you help folks enjoy a better quality of life got me all misty-eyed (yes, I'm the gal who snivels during sentimental commercials and whatnot). :-)

  99. Retweeted Jan. 5. Hope you enjoyed smooth travels to Sin City!


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