Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Taking a trip over to In Time

I only have two more days after today left in my blog tour! Today I'm spending some time with Michael di Gesu at his blog In Time... (the ellipses are his not mine). What to say about Michael? He's fun, kind, compassionate, and has great style. He recently gave me an awesome review for which I'm thankful. It's hard work getting reviews (a thing I don't have to tell most writers). I know it comes easy for some, but that's only because the publishing companies blanket the country with thousands of ARCs.
Angry Space Jockey is Angry (source io9...we come from the future)
With June fast approaching, I wanted to put up another Prometheus television spot (it got removed). If you happen to see it online though, you should check it out. It features some gory and disturbing scenes that really highlight how bad a time this crew is going to have. io9 even made some gifs of some scenes (one has a guy's face being penetrated through the mouth by some kind of snake). Horrific.

I'm so glad this movie got an R-rating. It's not going to hold back on anything. If you have the time, please follow me to Michael Gesu's blog.


  1. On my way!
    And i was super excited by the Prometheus trailer during The Avengers (well, at least for the first time i saw it, anyway)

  2. You should have a countdown clock for when that movie comes out. I'll bet it doesn't break $60 million domestic for the opening weekend though.

  3. Hope the blog tour goes well, and you get some REST. :)

  4. I was fortunate enough to actually meet Michael recently and he is everything you said and more! We had a great time visiting! And I can't wait for Prometheus :)

  5. I've put an embargo on all Prometheus trailers. i feel like I know far too much of the story already.

    Delayed gratification ftw!

  6. heading over to Michael's now. Thanks for the news on Prometheus

  7. The Prometheus spots make me sweat. In a good way! My wife hasn't seen Alien OR Aliens (the sheltered few, right?), so I'm anticipating a marathon before we head out to watch P.

  8. That link on the word "easy"... did you monetize your blog? You sneaky advertiser, you.

  9. Saw Michael's review on Monday. I was worried it wouldn't get an R as well. It's an "Aliens" movie - it HAS to be R rated.

  10. How did seeing The Avengers affect your anticipation of Prometheus?

  11. Was over at "In time" earlier. Good luck with your book, just got it today and am looking forward to reading it. That trailer sounds awesome...going searching for it now...Oh, and HOUSE, I sad it is over.

  12. Scary from your descriptions alone.
    I am off to The blog now.
    Good writers will always get good reviews whether ARC, free for review after a few sales are registered or purchased.
    The few books I have reviewed once a week on my blog have been well written, touchwood. I would hate to email the author saying the book sucked or didn't work for me. That's why I get my books mostly from books for review sites, those written by fellow bloggers and Indie books I hear about or review ones in my collection.
    I also know a couple of book bloggers who either praise every book they review or shred them.

  13. I'm making plans with my local writing pals to go see it.

  14. I saw a Prometheus commercial on TV yesterday and it looked really really good. They kept it on the tame side for TV, which is probably why I liked it. The special effects look great.

  15. If it's an Alien movie it's got to have something exploding out of somebody's body parts. lol.

  16. "the ellipses are not mine"...too funny. And Prometheus is my kind of movie.

  17. ...Michael's a pal of mine as well. Will be hopping over ;)


  18. I'm excited about the movie. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  19. Two of my favorite Michael's together? Why resist . .


  20. Wow that does sound vicious. None of the trailers I saw shows that, thought. :-/

  21. *though. Sigh. My fingers always add the t.


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