
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Viral marketing by Ridley Scott for Prometheus

I just came across this Prometheus short film by Ridley Scott. It's about three minutes long, and has Guy Pearce acting as the head of Weyland Corporation giving a TED talk (the evil corporation in charge of the mission in the sci-fi movie and also behind everything else in the ALIEN franchise).

Oh I can't wait for June.

My other Prometheus posts:

Fan Art
Plot Synopsis
My November post that the movie is coming soon
My post where I discuss an actress who is in the Walking Dead who is also going to be in Prometheus


  1. Oooh, deliciously evil. What hubris.

  2. That's too awesome that he's giving a Ted talk.

  3. Wonderfully creepy. I'm looking forward to this.

  4. In all that I kept thinking, I'm happy the production values for the TED talks are going to be improved in the future.

    Yes, I can't help but be excited.

  5. Oh hell yes. This is going to be so dope.

  6. I thought that short was brilliant. I am extremely excited that Ridley is back making sci-fi movies. And it looks like his son is following in his footsteps too.

  7. [rolls eyes]

    I think your expectations are writing a check this movie can't possibly hope to cash. But it's good to know Guy Pearce is still alive. After "LA Confidential" and "Memento" he seemed to kind of fall off the face of the Earth.

  8. i'm looking forward to june too! awesome!

  9. Sounds like the Sci-Fi gang will be happy.

  10. Wow, what an actor. Sounds like a movie worth seeing. Thanks for the advance notice.

  11. I'm going to watch this while I eat lunch today, because even though it will take me more than 3 minutes to post this comment, I feel as though I can't spare the 3 minutes to watch it right now. That says something about me, but I'm not sure what.

    We went to see "The Vow" last week and there was a Prometheus preview and that alone was worth going to the theater for. I can't remember being this excited about a movie coming out.

  12. I've watched it now, and I have this to say: NO good has ever come to anyone who proclaims himself or herself to be God. Guy Pearce is in for it in this movie.

  13. By the way, did anyone but me watch that and then go Google "M Theory" to see if that's a real thing? Turns out it is.

  14. I'm not a Guy Pearce fan, but that was pretty good.

    @Briane: Thanks! Now, I have to go look up M theory :/

  15. I always get excited to see what you're going to post about ;) I love the art... very compelling. And I like Guy Pearce--he's got great bone structure ;)

  16. What a brilliant video promotion. I can't wait for this movie. Psyched.

  17. It's pathetic what I don't know about. My tv is constantly on Disney. *sigh* Looks awesome though! Best shows coming out this summer. Can't wait!

  18. Great promo. Looking forward to this.

  19. This looks really good... can't wait

  20. That was a powerful speech. I see this guy as an anti-christ; but I have to admit he has vision and compelling insights.

    Yeah, I'd be swayed to his perspective.


  21. I love it that Guy Pearce is in this movie. He's one of my favorite actors and he never really got a shot in Hollywood. It's probably because he made a few bad choices - Count of Monte Cristo/Time Machine and they figured he didn't have star power. He's a great actor and I hope this role puts him back in the game because Hollywood needs more leading men that can actually act.

    Can't wait for the movie.

  22. I'm in the group of people who don't feel the appeal of PROMETHEUS and THE AVENGERS this year, but I won't miss PROMETHEUS since it has Patrick Wilson in the cast and of course the amazing Fass My Benders :)

  23. This is THE cinema release of the decade for me, apart from the last Star Trek film. I can not wait, either!

  24. I'm almost scared to see this, what if its as awesome as I'm expecting!
