
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dr. Jenner's whisper to Rick on The Walking Dead

This week's Walking Dead had me thinking.

If you recall from season one, the group led by Rick went to the CDC in Atlanta for help. When they got there, they found Dr. Jenner. He was the only one left. And prior to committing suicide and blowing up the whole building, he whispered something into Rick's ear.

Dr. Jenner whispered something to Rick in last year's
season finale and I think they are going to finally reveal
it very soon.
Well I have an idea on just what that whisper might have been.

After a discussion with my friend James, I think that Dr. Jenner might have told Rick that everyone is infected with the zombie disease. That everyone that dies, becomes one, whether or not they are bit. Somehow...the world has changed.

The implications for Rick are profound. If something happens to his unborn baby in the womb and it dies, it will become a zombie and attack the mother from the inside.

That would be horrific. And this series does not pull any punches.

Additionally, it looks like Michonne will be showing up in the season finale in just three more episodes. If you don't know who Michonne is, you can look at my post that I did on her HERE.
Rutina Wesley as Michonne? We find out in 3 episodes
The woman who has been cast with no name attached because AMC is keeping it secret as to who she will play is Rutina Wesley. You may recognize her from playing Tara in the HBO series "True Blood." She's also going to be in Ridley Scott's Prometheus (I can see Grumpy rolling his eyes). Rutina Wesley IS confirmed as a permanent cast member and not a guest star appearance.

She has to be playing Michonne.

UPDATE as of 3/19/2012

I was wrong on the casting of Michonne. It turns out that Treme actress Danai Gurira has been cast in the role. I have to say that October 2012 seems like a long time to wait before seeing her in action. But if last night's season finale were any indication, the best things do indeed come to those who wait.

Danai Gurira as the most badass zombie fighter in the world
What do you think?


  1. I was rolling my eyes through the whole post. Maybe he was just whispering whatever Bill Murray whispered in "Lost in Translation."

  2. I don't watch this one, but I do watch True Blood when that season begins. Rutina Wesley is one busy actress.

  3. can't wait! I LOVE this show. And you may be right - Rick and Shane noticed no bites on those 'dead' zombies. I think Rick said something about scratches but I think that was for Shane's benefit which makes even more sense in light of your post. Hmm...this show is so effing cool!

  4. *jumps up and down*

    I love this show. Stalked the filming, as it was filmed 30 mins away from me.

    Can't wait to see how Michonne shows up. (and kicks some butt)

  5. I've only seen season one, but now I want to see season two, dang it.

  6. Thanks for sharing this secret with me yesterday. I'm very curious if this theory holds true, as it would be a unique spin on Zombie lore. Since I've cheated and read into the comic's Wiki, I'm even more curious. :)

  7. I was just thinking about Jenner's mystery whisper the other day because they haven't brought it up again on the show and it's making me crazy. Your theory is awesome. Scary as hell, but awesome.

  8. Interesting theory. Doesn't give much hope for the human race's future,though!

  9. I'm not a big fan of Tara, so hopefully i'll like her better on WD. Does that mean she won't be on true blood anymore, though?

  10. I haven't seen this but my teen boys watch it.

    I took your recommendation and watched some Supernatural. Unfortunately I started watching the week my husband was out of town and ended having to sleep with the lights on. (Bloody Mary? Scarecrow?) Don't get me wrong. I loved it (I was a huge X-Files fan too) but it was a bit scary for home alone.

    So then I took your other recommendation and started watching Merlin. I love this one too! Thanks!

  11. I can't watch The Walking Dead because I will not sleep. Seriously, I won't. I'm such a pansy.

  12. I haven't read the graphic novels, but from your post I know this character is going to be awesome.

  13. @Grumpy: Nice new title. I doubt he channeled Bill Murray. Nice try though *rolls eyes

    @Brinda: I really like her as Tara. She definitely shows she has what it takes to play Michonne.

    @mshatch: Yup yup yup

    @Robyn: I'm totally with you on this sista

    @DPK: We shall know within three weeks if my idea has any merit.

    @M.J.: ditto

    @Alyson: The universe doesn't owe "hope" to mankind. Neither does a t.v. show.

    @Sarah: Nah she'll still be on True Blood.

    @Julie: Supernatural really gets good beyond season one. Seasons three through five are my favorites.

    @Emily: Awww. I hope you get a spine someday.

    @Matthew: Indeed. Trust in Mike.

  14. I think I need to play catch-up because I've only watched season one and I really liked it. I've perused the graphic novels though, which are very cool.

  15. I never got a chance to finish out the first season and haven't been able to get back to it since. Might have to be a NetFilx watch someday.

  16. I hate the whisper plot device. It's just a way for the writer to say "I know what's going to happen and you don't!" Well, of course! I don't need to be taunted into false suspense with it.

  17. Wow, that sounds like an intense episode, the threat of the unborn baby turning into a zombie! Whoa!

  18. Man, my hubster just canceled Netflix. I'd planned on watching it there, but he says I never have time to watch tv let alone a movie. :)

  19. I got season 1 on DVD and watched the whole lot in 2 days. Loved it. And yes, that dead baby chewing it's way out would be gross!

  20. I don't watch The Walking Dead, but now I feel bad for Rick and the baby . . . not to mention the mother.

  21. That's a great example of going for the worst thing that can happen.

  22. If that's the secret that doc whispered then I'm at least a little disappointed. That was the conceit of the Feed, the Hugo nominated zombie novel from 2011. Everybody comes back as a zombie, whether you're bitten or not.

    Although, it was great in the novel, so I suppose that I shouldn't mind, I mean, everyone is borrowing lore from everyone else so it shouldn't be that big a deal. I just want it to be something I've never heard before.

  23. Maybe one of these days I'll watch the Walking Dead -- it sounds intriguing. Trouble is zombies do nothing for me. But we'll see...

  24. Awesome analysis. I wondered what the doc said to Rick and then I forgot.

    I didn't catch your post on Michonne. I'm going over to read it now. Thx.

  25. I haven't seen it. I like zombies though. Whispering annoys me. I have the ability to hear whispers, even from the other end of the house - and yet they keep whispering.

  26. My kids love the show. They hike a ride to grandmas every Sunday to watch it. =)

  27. I'd forgotten all about that whisper. I wonder if they will actually revisit it. Your theory is a rather guesome one...

  28. Am still hanging out till season 2 hits our shores.

  29. I really need to catch up on the second series of this. I miss it.

  30. That is a great point! I think this last episode was the best one so far.

  31. I still have to watch this week's episode but I am enjoying this half of the season. But I am MORE excited for MadMen coming March 27! WOOHOO! It's been too long!! I'm also looking forward to MI-5 ... although it's the last season. So bummed!

  32. I'm not liking the new additions (especially the Governor), but I will be happy as long as the zombies eat Shane and Andrea alive :)

