
Monday, July 6, 2015

If you love Game of Thrones you've got to watch what happens in this Seth Meyer skit.

If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, I think you'll love this skit from Late Night with Seth Meyer in which Jon Snow is invited to dinner. It really makes me realize how crummy Jon Snow's life really has been. Best line? "Jon, this is why you don't have any friends."


  1. The look on their faces is priceless.

  2. I've probably watched that skit five times now. And I laugh just as hard every time. So funny!

  3. This skit is hilarious to anyone who follows Game of Thrones. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. I'd be like the red head, all interested. And laughing at my friends for their squeamishness. Think of how much fun it would be to bring Cersi to dinner ;)

  5. I saw this when it first came out and watched it so many times. Makes me laugh again watching it now. So funny. I absolutely love acting out poor Oberyn's death LOL.

  6. Why does everyone (even Jon) refer to Robb's wedding as the Red Wedding when it was his uncle's. Oh well, he knows nothing anyway.
