
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Is Dominion even worth watching? Check out this preview and judge for yourself.

The big question on my mind this week is...will Dominion be worth watching? Syfy's continuation of the movie Legion (which really wasn't very good) takes off after Defiance on Thursday night. All that I know of it comes from the preview embedded below. But the gist seems to be that after the archangel Gabriel led the lower angels in an all out attack on humanity, Michael sided with the humans and a war resulted. So now the setting is total post apocalyptic. All humans that managed to survive the war now cloister in fortress cities, and of course there's a "chosen one." Hmm. What do you guys think? Watch this preview and let me know in the comments. Who am I kidding, I'll watch it anyway.


  1. I saw a commercial for that on TV the other day. I guess it didn't click that it's a follow-up to that movie because really who even remembers that crummy movie? I didn't watch it and you know how many movies I watch per month.

  2. Ooh, Mikey, did I tell you that almost the whole cast of DOMINION has tweeted about my spotlight on the show and that lead star Tom Wisdom (whom we adore) has even followed me and sent me a thank you tweet? :)) He is most adorable.....

  3. Maybe I'm the only one who liked Legion, but as far as typical "chosen one" movies, I liked it. The action was amazing and Paul Bettany blew me away. I am hoping Dominion does well, because I'd love to see kick-ass angel fiction get a little bump, since I have a WIP that is a sci-fi/fantasy about angels, and it would be great if it would actually do something! (Gotta finish it first, of course.)

    I want to watch it, but a change of plans for where I'll be on Thursday night means I might not be able to - but I'll pick it up the next week, for sure. Do you happen to know if there are any second runnings later in the week?

  4. Alas, the lack of cable keeps me from checking out this show, even if I wanted to. Seems interesting. Guess I'll see what else is on Netflix. :)

  5. I'll probably give it a chance and see what I think. I am looking forward to the return of Defiance.

  6. @Lara: SyFy runs their shows to death. There will be seconds and thirds and fourths and fifths and sixths. You got nothing to worry about at all.

  7. It seems like a weird mash up of concepts. Religious-based story meets post-apocalyptic situation. Not sure if I can suspend my disbelief enough for that.

  8. I was hoping you'd tell me whether I should watch it or not! I've been waffling. Finally, I decided I'd take your recommendation as to whether to try it out or not.

    I'll DVR it and wait for your recap.

  9. I probably won't watch it. Seems a bit too dramatic for my tastes.

  10. I'm not sure how i feel about this. I probably won't give it a shot, just because we're drowning in TV right now and really only pick up new shows that we know we'll love.

  11. It's now past my bed time. I hope they'll repeat at some point. I'd give it a shot.

    I was rather done with Defiance, unless they improved it... a lot.

  12. I saw that highlighted over at Dezzy's site. Looks like high drama stakes, though I doubt I'll watch it. Not really into angels and demons.

  13. I might check this one out. But then I only now partially caught up on the Sleepy Hollow episodes, which I've decided I should be hooked on.

  14. If this gets good reviews I might give it a try. Seems like old material.

  15. I wasn't impressed with premise. Angels and Demons shooting machine guns and bazookas at each other? I did like Legion. And of course Tom Wisdom is awesome.

    Still, I may watch a couple more episodes before making up my mind. Its pretty good if I don't think of it as angels vs demons with humans as the battlefield.

    Totally makes religion a thing to be skeptical of though.

  16. now this is the Jetson's come to life!
