
Friday, June 20, 2014

Boeing's 787 Dreamliner is the plane to usher in the future.

I saw these pictures the other day and just had to blog about it. Flying "the friendly skies" takes on a whole new meaning in the luxurious Dreamliner. I just want to book a ticket to somewhere...anywhere...just to try one of these out when they become more commercially available (the first is being delivered to New Zealand this year). Check out the head room, the windows, and the sleeping pods. The windows can dim or brighten at the touch of a button. It really does channel the Jetsons, which I guess is a metaphor for "the future."


  1. I hate to fly, but I might make an exception with that plane.

  2. How many people will actually be able to afford flying on one of those, especially in first class? Anyway flying is too expensive for fat guys like me.

  3. I can't sleep while flying. I stayed up all the way across the Atlantic to Paris. (I have to be sure the pilot doesn't fall asleep, you know.)Hubs would use one of those pods, he had jet lag.

    Great photos, but wait, the cost must be exorbitant for all those features. That said, I'd still want to try it out, too. Looks like luxury compared to today's reality.

  4. I think that new solar plane is going to be the plane of the future.

  5. The A380 is already flying the friendly (posh) skies here in Europe (etc). Get with it, America!

  6. The lady lying down sold me. Sign me up! Thanks for sharing Mike. To the future.

  7. I can't imagine the price. I don't like flying even a little. And I always set off the metal detectors and get the pat down treatment.

  8. Yeah, the interior will continue to look like that. You know they'll want to squeeze as much revenue out of that puppy as possible, and they'll bring in the cheek-to-jowl seating...

  9. It's an amazing piece of design and engineering. I've flown in much worse.

  10. I want that sleeping pod. And when I wake up I can wander off to the lounge, watch a movie, stretch my legs. Sigh.

    Maybe some day...

  11. I'm sure it's already in the air it's just so expensive most of us haven't heard of it.

  12. get rid off all this garbage and lower rates for us sardine packaged "valued customers". look at the layout. nine across. brilliant Boeing. here's the deal, they don't make enough money on us common sardines so they have to cram us in even tighter. In my mind, corporations like this are losers despite their millions.

  13. @David: Boeing isn't an airline. They are an aerospace manufacturer. It's corporations like Delta and Jet Blue that go in and squeeze more seats into a cabin so that each square foot yields more profit.

    I think that the root of the problem of "affordability" doesn't lie solely with corporations. One example of this is income inequality. If wages would increase and keep up with inflation, then everyone could have a better standard of living.
