
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's inconceivable to suggest that the CW could have picked a more adorable Barry Allen.

Actor Grant Gustin nailed it. Seriously. I'm so excited for the new Flash series that it's entirely possible I'm anticipating it more than Pacific Rim and Prometheus combined. The Barry Allen they showed us in last week's Arrow episode was in my friend Sarah Falen's words "Pure adorbs" and I MUST AGREE.

If you are not watching Arrow, you are missing out on this:

If you didn't see last week's episode, watch the below embedded video right now. The exchange between Barry and Felicity is filled with geeky science, intelligent problem-solving, and just a drop of sexual tension. It'll make you want to go out and smell the sunshine. And if you're a stranger to DC Comics, you just need to know these four words (repeat after me): The Flash is AWESOME.


  1. While not adorable, he fits well. Enjoying Arrow and looking forward to Flash. At last, some DC awesomeness!

  2. He is all right.
    During this time of the year, all one does is turn the TV on for background noise and simply fall asleep. It will have to be after the end of the year, to start watching any thing new.

  3. And it's pretty tough to call something a theory without it being backed by a lot of evidence. Too bad that has to be explained nowadays.

    Yay for Flash.

  4. He's a cutie pie, although I do wish they've chosen a more geeky actor, since that is how I remember THE FLASH played by brilliant John Wesley Ship in the famous 90's show.

  5. I'm sure you're just watching this show for the story too, lol. Beefcake!!!

  6. I was honestly expecting him with super-powers

  7. @ Y'all hatin' on that jealousy that I smell in the air? mmhmm. No one likes a jealous writer. You heard it here first.

  8. Well, obviously you know my feelings on the matter. I think he going to do well both as Barry and as the Flash and i'm excited to watch his show.

  9. I don't get what the big deal is. I guess my non-comic book reading is showing. I've been hearing all sorts of stuff about the Flash, but I'm just not that excited.

    Not that I didn't like the character. He was fine. I liked his interactions with Felicity. Perhaps he'll grow on me.

  10. I never got into The Flash. Maybe I should check this out and expand my field of interest.

  11. @Liz: Maybe if you got paid a bunch of money to knit a Flash costume, you could get excited. :)

    @Stephen: You should.

  12. I loved the old Flash, but this guy is awfully cute, and has such a puppy dog persona. That really justifies the Clark Kent awkwardness super heroes have.

    Looking forward to this.

  13. I loved Barry Allen's introduction. I agree that he's adorable—and I loved his interaction with Felicity.

    I can't wait for tomorrow night's episode.

  14. I'm interested to see how they work in his super speed in a show that doesn't use any superpowers. Also wondering how they'll do his costume.


  15. I keep falling behind on Arrow and then scrambling to catch up. It's a very entertaining show.

  16. I'm on top of this. Flash rocks and I can't wait for the next episode of Arrow. Since Revolution (NBC) is on break I get to see it right on time on CW instead of later in the week online. Get to keep my no later than 10pm TV time somehow. Glad to see the excitement of a fellow fan. Do you watch Grimm (NBC) by any chance?

  17. This looks GREAT. Thanks for the rec - I'll check it out!
