
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July and a question about insecurity

The Insecure Writer's Support Group is a monthly blog fest thought up by author, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

For this month's insecurity, I want to pose a question that relates to something I read online:
Would you agree that creative people are inherently insecure because they don't know if people like them, or are in awe of them?
I look forward to reading your answers.

I will be taking tomorrow off to celebrate Independence Day. Friday, I'm posting a cover reveal for author, Yolanda  Renee.


  1. I have no answer for that. I guess they are insecure because they worry what others will think of them.

  2. I worry constantly that people are in awe of me. (Not.) I was hoping you'd work a Pacific Rim reference into your IWSG post somehow. BTW, do you watch Toonami on Adult Swim (Cartoon Network) on Saturday nights? I guess del Toro is going to be on there talking about the movie, so there you go.

  3. I know (basically) why I am insecure- I am SO different from the "norm". I wonder where, if ever, I'll fit in or if anyone else out there will ever be able to relate to me.

  4. I think that some (many? true artist?) people who paint or write or sing even act (although acting isn't an expression of your own inner turmoil- usually your hiding yourself in another world but it's the same temperament) do that because there is something within them that needs to be expressed and it's best expressed in art form. As a result when that piece is released to the public, it's not just a "project" like when I move the DVDs around at work (and the people I work with do like to have praise even for simple tasks like shifting the DVDs around...). Writing, painting, music, an expression of the psyche. How can you not feel vulnerable and insecure when you hand that over for other people to tumble around in their rough, unthinking hands?

  5. No. I think insecurity is a normal human trait. Ours is more apparent since we bravely put our work out there like a flasher. We bare our, er, souls.

  6. This might be hard to believe, but not many liked me when I was younger for some reason. I'm accustomed to that. I do, however, worry if my work is not liked. I can only imagine what might happen if people are in awe by it. I may end up curled up in a corner. :)

  7. Worried if people like me -- Naw, I'm more worried that they are in awe of me -- yeah, that's it. I worry that they are in awe that I am proof that anyone can blog and claim to write a novel. Ha!

  8. If being insecure is inherent to talented people, then I must have oodles of talent!

    I've never wondered if people are in awe of me. No wait, I take that back. I once gave birth, naturally to an eleven pound child and the ladies at the hospital spoke of my accomplishment in hushed tones.

  9. Okay- so that "in awe of me" possibility has never crossed my mind. I think it's because you put so much of your soul/thoughts/self into a creative piece. Most of us think we can handle criticism, but it's hard not to feel so exposed.

  10. It never crossed my mind that anyone could be in awe of me. And for the first part, my expectations are lower. I grew up shy and afraid to talk to people. I hope, if people even notice me, that they respect me. I don't care if they like me as much as whether they listen when I speak, which isn't often. And they don't have to agree, just not yell at me. I'm somebody else when I give a talk or teach, or I couldn't do it.

  11. I think my biggest fear is that people will discover the real me, and judge her lacking. Something to do with negative family issues, I guess. It it were 'awe' I think the person who thought that about their self - could care less what others thought. It wouldn't matter cause it couldn't get past their own overblown ego!

  12. I think it's actually backwards. Insecure people tend to be creative because they don't think anyone will like them or have had experiences which have led them to this belief.

  13. I think creative people are insecure because taste is subjective. For every 10 or 20 people who think something I write is brilliant, 1 person might come along and think it's garbage. Funny how it's the minority that rules in matters like these. :)

  14. Um, some creative people are not insecure. I think the ones that are have faced many people who just don't get what they are about. Non-creative people try to douse the creativity because it's different and that breaks something in creative folk. =insecurity.

    Hi! New to IWSG.

  15. Creatives are insecure because of what's at stake. When you are putting a part of yourself on the line (artists, writers, musicians, performers)it makes some of us nervous.

    But, having faith in oneself can help mitigate the effect.

  16. I have to agree with mshatch, to me it's more like worrying too much about people not liking me or what I do. Although now I do know lots of people are in awe of me and I'm getting used to it. ;)

  17. That's a good question, and I can see it being a bit of both. They want people to like what they do and are insecure about being not liking their work. But if they have something that's really successful, then they can be insecure because they don't know how their next work will top what they've done before.

  18. My internal editor often tells me I suck, so when someone outside of my head says otherwise, it throws me. I'll always be insecure about how I fit in with other people.

  19. I don't buy into the notion that creative people are inherently insecure. I consider myself a creative person but I've yet to encounter anyone in awe of me.

  20. The only time I was afraid whether or not my writing was good was in fourth grade creative writing classes, both English and Hindi as we were graded quite critically. At my age, I am just glad that I am able to get my words out. I also find both reading and writing to be cathartic.

  21. I don't think creative people are inherently insecure. I think most people are inherently insecure and some of those people are also creative.

  22. Perhaps they worry about what people think of them but the fact that the successful ones keep going on shows some security.

  23. It may be because the rest of the world doesn't get us and we get that. So I think the need for validation somewhere keeps us on our toes.

    But I think there's a strange juxtaposition. We have to be confident to submit and publish. We all have confidence and we're all insecure wimps.

  24. I would think it's because they don't know if people like them. But honestly, I don't know how to answer that, lol!

  25. When you put your writing out there, to some extent, you're revealing a lot about yourself. That different side of you, and there is some concern over what people might think. But you get used to it. I think those of us who are published are not so insecure. Have a nice holiday!

  26. Soooooo interesting, Michael. I doubt anyone is in awe of me, so I'll go with not knowing if people like me, LOL!

  27. I need to stew on this question a while.

  28. What? That question really puzzled me. I don't know any artists who are insecure over the possibility that people are "in awe" of them. That makes no sense. If an artist thinks their work is so great someone would be filled with awe about it, they can't possibly be insecure. More likely they're conceited twits.

    And I wouldn't put it that artists feel insecure about people liking them, but rather people liking their work.

    So my answer would be: I wouldn't agree.

  29. I think I understand what you're asking here. I've been insecure about people being in awe of me because I don't feel I deserve it, so that makes me feel guilty for some reason, which makes me insecure. I'm also constantly insecure about people liking me as a person and liking my work too. The trouble comes when I think of those two things as the same. That's never good. I think writers are a mess most of the time. Or maybe it's just those of us who suffer from anxiety. Who knows? :)

  30. I don't know anyone who's in awe of me. :) I would never want people to be in awe of my writing...I'd just want them to enjoy it.

  31. I think there is a lot of insecurity in creativity because it's so person's brilliance is another person's trash. We want people to connect with what we put out there, but know upfront that it won't connect with everyone...but how many? That's where the insecurity sets in. There are so many ways to approach this this is my answer for today. Tomorrow I may think differently. Happy 4th!

  32. yes!! are they insecure about themselves? yes. what particularly?? anything. it's not one thing. it helps create stories. makes them vivid and real. it gives the "who cares" part. it makes it believable because IT IS real.

  33. I don't think creative people are inherently insecure. I'm not.

    Just so long as I'm doing my thing, just as hard as I can, I'm happy. If people like my stories that a bonus.

  34. I think everyone - even non-creative people - are insecure in one way or another. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

  35. I think creative types tend to percolate on high. So, sometimes they imagine they're on top of the world, and other times, they're fretting (on high speed). Generally, I think the world enjoys their creatives!

  36. That is a deep question. I guess it can be both but I am truly in awe on how people interact and react to situations so differently despite in some cases seeming so similar. Happy 4th.

  37. That is an interesting question. For me, sometimes I like an author just for themselves - personally- and sometimes I love the writing but wouldn't want to meet them in person. Its cool when you find someone that you like and respect as a person, an author, and as someone to learn from.


  38. I don't think creative people are any more insecure than others, they are just more willing to share all aspects of their emotions.

  39. i think they're insecure because they're putting stuff out specifically to be judged by others. You want to know what people think so you're inviting criticism, so you braced for impact. Makes you tense.


  40. I don't know that all creative types are fact, I know some who are completely stuck on their own greatness and wouldn't, for even a moment, consider that their best work wasn't worthy. Of course, they do wig out when they're not producing what they believe to be their "best work."

    I do think creative types are sensitive to stimulus of varying kinds and delve deeper into feelings (even if it's only their own feelings) than non-creative types do.
    Some Dark Romantic
