
Friday, July 5, 2013

A revealing look at Murder Memories and Murder Madness by Yolanda Renee

Please welcome the mistress of murder. And that spider isn't real so don't be afraid...

Note: these are the first two books of a trilogy set in the states of Alaska and Washington, and Paris, France.

Murder, Madness & Love
August 5, 2013


After a gritty detective becomes involved with a beautiful widow suspected of murder, slander and obsession obstruct his quest for justice.


A killer plays cat and mouse with a young widow against the snowy backdrop of an Alaskan winter. Branded a black widow after the suspicious death of her millionaire husband, Sarah Palmer flees Seattle for Anchorage. But the peace and quiet she hoped to enjoy in her hometown is soon shattered. The killer is murdering Sarah look-alikes on the 14th of each month, taunting Sarah with a valentine of evidence.

After her experiences in Seattle, Sarah is slow to go to the police. When she finally does, she finds Detective Steven Quaid. Called on to protect the beautiful widow from a stalker intent on her destruction, Steven is convinced he can solve Michael Palmer's murder and arrest the stalker. However, crime is never simple, and before long Sarah has Steven wound up tighter than barbed wire. Is Sarah a victim or a very skilled manipulator? With a killer on the loose and a climbing body count, Steven cannot afford to hedge his bets-or his life.
Memories of Murder
September 5, 2013


 A man of pure evil, a dedicated detective, and a talented artist meet in a fight that defines good and evil, love and obsession, betrayal and forgiveness.


After transferring to Seattle to repair his professional reputation, Detective Steven Quaid is unexpectedly demoted to the cold case squad. While helping a fellow officer he stumbles upon an unusual case–and an even more extraordinary foe. Unraveling the mystery gives him the case he is sure will right his stalled career, and brings him face to face with Luke Williams, aka Lucifer. An insidious man who delivers Quaid the ultimate choice: save his fiancée from an assassin’s bullet or stop the sacrifice of a young girl. Suddenly the effort to salvage his reputation pales in comparison to the loss of a future with the girl of his dreams.

About Renee:

Although a native Pennsylvanian, Yolanda Renée chose to follow her adventurous spirit, which led her to Alaska where the Detective Quaid Series is set. Renée loves books, reading them, writing them, owning them – they are 'her precious'! She is all about mystery, murder, and romance . . . writing it! She is adventurous, shy, and creative. She is a wife, a mother, and a dreamer with an unquenchable desire for knowledge and an idealistic belief in good - yet she writes evil - but that's only because she loves defeating it!

A former controller who still loves numbers and now works hard to tell her stories in as few words as possible. Winning Flash Fiction challenges is her hobby and publishing her Detective Quaid mystery series her quest! She currently resides in Central Pennsylvania, with her husband, two sons, and the boss, Patches, her Boston terrier.

You can learn more about Renée at


I wish I was this productive. Have a great weekend. And Yolanda, your book covers are creepy but fantastic!!!


  1. The covers to these are fantastic!

  2. Hi, Mike & Yolanda,
    I love, love, love these covers. Not a spider lover, but yeah, I agree with Mike that the covers are creepy, yet Fabulous. Looking forward to reading these as I love me some romance and suspense.

    Have a great weekend, guys!

  3. Your blog is rapidly becoming Spider Central. Which is tough for a guy like me, who hates spiders. I come here and am constantly confronted with my worst nightmare: spiders.

    Actually, just "spiders," per se, are not my worst nightmare. My WORST nightmare is that there are spiders all around me and I am sleeping and they are dropping into my mouth and getting into my brain where they lay eggs, this being the chief motivation of all spiders, and then after they are done doing all that, a giant spider walks up to me and I am cowering in fear, wondering whether it's worse to be eaten by a giant spider or to wait until the spider eggs in my brain hatch, and then the giant spider asks if he can talk to me for a minute about Jesus, and I wake up.

    Remember, I said it was a nightmare, so that "It was all a dream ending" was built into the plot.

    These books sound pretty good. I should've probably mentioned something about the post, in this comment on the post.

  4. Those look fantastic, and I'd expect nothing less from Yolanda. She's a genius! :)

  5. I love the cover with the spider. It just jumps out at you. You go Yolanda.

  6. Michael, thank you so much for hosting my covers today. It's so awesome to start this process. And it means a lot to know you and other bloggers are supportive of the writing/publishing/marketing process. YOU ROCK! to steal Alex's words!

    * Thank you Alex, that means a lot coming from you.

    * DRC
    Aren't they just! Thank you!

    * Thanks J L - CQP did a fabulous job!

    * Brian, I have the same feelings about spiders and was shocked and surprised by the cover. It seems apropos though. Loved you dream / nightmare, and have had plenty of them. I have awoken twice with the damn things crawling across my face. UGH!

    * David, wow, thanks - I needed that today!

    * Sheena-kay, thanks, the spider does make a statement!

  7. Great covers. And the books sound interesting, too.

  8. I don't read murder stories but this one does sound interesting.

  9. This sounds like an interesting mystery. Love the cover!

  10. Michael, thank you for hosting me. I left a very long response yesterday, but lately some of my responses have gone to spam.

    I thanked almost everyone individually, but to save time and get back to editing. I'll just say thank you collectively!

    It's awesome to be on this journey and share it with all of you, especially Michael, who's been so generous with his time and blog!

  11. That is a great cover and an interesting premise.

  12. Oh wow I love love love the covers! So chilling.

    Thrilled for Yolanda. :-)

  13. Both books look and sound fantastic. Love the spider on the first cover, and the Eiffel Tower on the second. Will certainly put these on my tbr list. Congratulations and all the best for Yolanda! (:
