
Monday, March 19, 2012

A King has his reign, and then he dies.

Those are the words spoken by (I believe) Noomi Rapace's character at the start of the amazing second trailer for Prometheus, which was unveiled at Wonder Con just this weekend. Knowing just a smidge about this film, I think that the words are chilling because the context may be a double entendre.  The "king" may also refer to man's domination of the universe and how it may eventually end:
And here is the viral Weyland Industries birth of David the Android
that was also released this weekend.
For those of you who are new to my blog, ‘Prometheus’ is a sci-fi film based on the Alien universe. It stars Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace and was shot on the RED Epic cameras and the Element Technica ATOM 3d rig. It releases in June 2012.

Director: Ridley Scott
Producer: Tony Scott
Cinematographer: Dariusz Wolski

Dariusz Wolski had this to say about the Epic camera and his work on Prometheus:
"In my opinion, the new Red Epic camera is about to revolutionize all spectrums of the film industry.
I am amazed with the quality of the image and the fact that you can shoot 5k at 120fps without compromising resolution, and...most of all...the size of the camera. 
Combined with the Element Technica Atom 3d rig, we will be able to shoot a 3d movie with the flexibility of a conventional cinema camera. 
I don’t see anything that comes close to it at the moment. I can’t even imagine the potential Epic will have on the big blockbuster industry as well as independent cinema."
HERE is my post on the TED video wherein Peter Weyland explains the myth of Prometheus.
HERE is my post showing Prometheus fan art.
HERE is my post of the entire Prometheus plot. Warning: SPOILERS! But it's epic.
HERE is a link to my Christmas Post wherein I embed the first Prometheus trailer.
HERE is my first post on Prometheus.


  1. Don't know about the cameras, but the film looks amazing.

  2. I saw the trailer in a theatre for the first time this weekend - definitely seeing this one.

  3. The release of the full trailer was more exciting than any movie released this weekend.

  4. I stand by my original comment: meh.

  5. Dude - calm down. Your enthusiasm is getting me so hyped that I'm having bladder control issues. I am starting to build some unrealistic expectations thanks to you. Please don't let me be disappointed.

  6. I want to go see this now! I hope I won't be disappointed. It looks amazing!!!

  7. Man, what world am I living in? Thanks for introducing me to this, Michael. I hadn't heard of this! *goes back under my rock* ;)

  8. Good Lord! I've seen that trailer 3 times now and I get goosebumps every single time! Shaping up to be spectacular.

    Also, wanted to thank you for the nice words you left on my blog last week. They were badly needed during a tough time for my family, and I appreciated it.


  9. Whoa, that looks amazing and frightening. A new camera? That's always good and Ridley Scott can't make a bad film.

  10. I think I know what your A to Z blog challenge will be about. ;)

  11. I've decided that from here on out, I'm going to be COOL. And COOL people don't care about stuff. So my response to that preview is: pleh. Whatever. I'm over it.

    (I watched it three times and I texted Sweetie that we have to be there on opening night.)

  12. Where's your countdown clock to the opening? I can't seem to find it. It should be around here somewhere...

  13. PRometheus looks SO GOOD! I am looking forward to its release.

  14. I am going to be one of those fanboys camping outside the cinema a day before its release. That is, if it should come to that.

    Avengers is another movie I'm excited to see.

  15. I'm looking forward to it. If cameras and such get much better, it may be too realistic and put me into cardiac arrest. :)

  16. Great trailer. I'm on the edge of my seat!

  17. Oh, lordy, this looks fantastic. Can't wait.

  18. Oh, man, it sounds like Briane is going all hipster on us.

    I think you need to be the one responsible for buying Rusty some adult diapers.

    Me? I'm still more looking forward to Avengers.

  19. I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie in the theater...and there are only a handful of films a year that I actually leave the house for. :P

    Also, was that Michael Fassbender in the second clip? He's a robot/cyborg thing in the movie?

  20. Fass My Benders is the member of the crew, L.G. if I got it right from the trailers :)
    It will be an interesting film, although I can't stand that Nomie, Naomi, Noemy woman. I do love me Charlize, Fassy and Guy Pearce.

  21. Um, so does that mean you want to see the film? ;) It does look good.

  22. I looked up the art work and remembered loving it. This is one film I'm looking forward to.

  23. the film sure does look awesome...

  24. I'm really looking forward to this one. Alien is one of my all-time favorites, and after Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I'm interested in the prequel thing. It never hurts to watch Charlize Theron either.

  25. The video is chilling --think I'd be clutching my seat. The cinematography is fabulous.

  26. I learn things from your blog and talk to my son about them, ( and depending on the subject to my grandson who is seven ). They both think that it is nice to understand what young people are into, ( I mean what good stuff young people are into).

  27. I have a feeling this is going to be huge.

  28. This film is going to be Amazing!! I am so very excited to see it, and I thank you for that Dearie!! :)

  29. I should probably actually watch the Alien movies before seeing this. Sounds like it's going to be special.

  30. I'm always excited to hear about new camera technology because I love movies and love it when they find little ways to improve them.

  31. It is Charlize Theron's character that says the quote about a King having his reign..
