
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can you help me spot the cat?

I got this email from my friend William. Supposedly there's a cat in this picture. I've looked at it but can't find it. My eyesight isn't all that great. You can click on the picture to make it bigger. If you find the cat, please indicate where it is in the comments :).
Have a happy Thursday.


  1. Ok, now I can leave a real comment. I just wanted to be first commenter on your blog and I WAS!

    So many people to thank. Mr F and Mr Bunches, for getting dressed without much trouble. Sweetie, for pouring my cereal and toasting my bagel. And, of course, my agent...

    ... I haven't even looked at the picture yet. I'm going to forward your post to Middle Daughter. If there's a cat, she'll find it. That's her superhero power. Finding cats. Seems not so great, but when Commander Noxious brings his Machine of Doom back to Earth and the only thing that can stop it is to cover it in adorable kittens but they're hiding in fear, we'll all be grateful for Middle.

  2. It's by the yellow-brown square, lower left hand side. The cat is black and white.

    Here I thought it might be a metaphor.

  3. I stared at that for longest time and it just sort of jumped out of me...

    It's in the middle left, black and white to something that looks like a beige square (it could be considered a diamond).

  4. Yes, what the others said. I remember seeing this on Facebook a while back. It was easier to find the first time. Heh.

  5. yeah what Briane said. Left hand side, about halfway down the junk pile. He's walking down and is black and white. There's a peice of junk that's like a yellow square, he's right to the lower right of that

  6. Ack! I finally saw it, after all of the hints.

  7. So what does Briane win for being first and for finding the cat?

  8. I found it after enlarging the picture. After you do, you can't miss it. In your defense it does blend rather well into the background. (Hugs)Indigo

  9. I found it after enlarging the picture too.

  10. Hahahaha I see I'm way late to help you. :-P

  11. Left side in the middle. And saw it before reading any of the other comments.

  12. Ha. I get these at work all the time, including this one. They drive me nuts cuz I can never find the stupid cat!!!

  13. I found it in about 15 seconds...I have to brag because I usually suck at these kind of things. I started in the top left corner, scanning down and about half way down I spotted it. I could tell because of the movement, the front two legs stuck out as it is walking down the pile. It is white with grey patches. Do you see it yet?

  14. ACK! That was just plain mean to post that. :) I spent too much time looking for that cat before I read the comments. I almost =didn't believe it existed. Sarah, hint was the best for me.

  15. I don't think I'd have ever found it without help, not even with my magnifying glass. Interesting that both of us posted pictures of dumps this week.

  16. The cat is a spoon. Therefore it is all a cat.

    In other terms:

    It hurt my eyes so I gave up.

  17. Found it! Those Where's Waldo books seem to have paid off after all! :)

  18. I was like, seriously, this is what my day has become, staring at a pile of junk trying to find the darn cat that's been found already:)

    Thanks, Mike!!

    PS... Can anyone see the car?

  19. Yeah! I found it and on my phone to boot. Poor kitty.

  20. Sorry I came late to the party - seems the cat's been found several times over. Well played, kitty.

  21. Oh my word is it suppose to be alive?  Oh here it is .

  22. When zoomed, it's an inch from the left, exactly half way up. Mostly white, with a bit of grey. Snap.

  23. Left hand side middle, black and white! Bam!

    I love things like this ;)

    At first I thought it was going to be one of those things you have to stare at for a long time until the picture pops out... remember those???

  24. Thanks to Sarah, I saw it. No wonder you couldn't find it.

  25. By the time I get here, there's already a bunch of comments, so I didn't bother to look. I knew someone would have found it by now.

  26. Thanks for reminding me I probably need bifocals. :P

  27. Thanks to everyone's comments I found it! lol. That would have drove me crazy.

  28. wow...pretty wild picture and a cat is included!

  29. Hi, Mike, way to keep us occupied. I only found it after doing something I don't normally do, which is reading through the comments. Never would have found it on my own.

  30. Wow, what a pic. Kitty has been found! Hooray! Poor kitty walking through all that junk... I had to read the comments to find it as well though and still sat there for a couple minutes going, "wtf?" lol!

  31. poor cat, what is it doing in all that crap?
    ps I've added a new clip for TOTAL RECALL remake, come and see it

  32. On my own didn't see it... after checking the answers with the above comments, I see it... Oh poor little cat

  33. I don't see it, but there's a cat at my feet.

  34. oh, Mikey, are you a bit tipsy today? :) I've just left you the instructions for watching the trailer over at my place :)

  35. I was hoping it would turn out the cat was the one taking the picture.

  36. Looks like you've got plenty of instructions already for finding the cat. :P I've seen this picture before, so I knew where it was.

  37. despite my love for cats I could not find the damn thing!

  38. I got this a couple weeks ago and if someone hadn't told me the cat was black and white, I would've had trouble. Someone I know who has a cat and is always looking for it outside could spot the kitty in this photo right away. So you just need to get an outdoor kitty, Michael.

  39. I'm such a sucker for puzzles. I made sure I found it before I read the comments. Yep, black and white at 9:00.

  40. Holy crow! I found the car in the middle of the left-hand side walking toward the front right.

  41. ...all three of my kids were perched on my lap, straining their eyes in search of that cat, (and for the record, my oldest is 15, so you can imagine my discomfort ;)

    But in the end we found it!

    Great entertainment, Michael.


  42. My eyesight's pretty good, but I still had to find it by scouring all the other comments for hints. hehe

  43. Okay, I thought for a minute if I clicked to enlarge the photo and stared into it, I'd get that stupid face jump out at me...phew. I found it!

  44. I had to look for a minute or so, but the little critter just sort of jumped out at me - about an inch from the left hand border (after I clicked on it to make it bigger) and about halfway up the pile.

    I see how it would be hard to see though. Patternicity is my new favorite word.

  45. I cheated and read comments first. Sadly, I still had to enlarge it to find the cat.

  46. I cheated and read the comments first.

  47. Man, even with the clues it took me FOREVER to see it. I thought people were messing around and pulling my leg. I don't think I would have ever saw that cat without some clues.

  48. Ha! I couldn't find it and I've even seen this pic before (I think). So then I read the comments and found it but because I didn't find it myself, I'll bet the next time this bugger comes around, I still won't remember where the cat is. LOL

  49. After a long day there is NO way I can do this.
