
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Advanced Reader Copy Update and a Blogfest with incredible prizes

I want to remind those that are interested that the drawing for the paperback Advanced Reader Copy of my book, SLIPSTREAM is still open. Please go to my Christmas post here if you have not done so already and leave a comment that says "I would like an ARC".  I have a few interested folks and want to thank every one of you that already commented for your wonderful support. I will keep the contest open for another week and will draw a winner on Friday, January 13th (13 has always been a lucky number for me since I was born on that day). My giveaway is of course, international.

In the month of February, there's going to be a cool blogfest that is hosted by:

1) Live to write...Edit when necessary.
2) Cassie Mae over at Reading, Writing, and Lovin' it.

Why is this blogfest cool? Because I get to talk about my characters and you can too if you join in!

Here are the details:
Monday, February 6th--Characters on the couch:

Have one of your characters answer the following questions (to make this work to your benefit, choose a character who is the hardest for you to write :) Max 250 words (Not including the questions—only the answers).
  1. What is your biggest vulnerability? Do others know this or is it a secret?
  2. What do people believe about you that is false?
  3. What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw? Why?
  4. What would the same friend say is your one redeeming quality? Why?
  5. What do you want most? What will you do to get it? 
Wednesday, February 8th--Dialogue Introduction:

Have two characters introduce each other using only dialogue—no backstory, no internalization, just dialogue between the two. Max 250 words.

Friday, February 10th -- Emotion Flash Fiction:

Emotion is the engine of a story. Pick an emotion and in a flash fiction piece of 250 words MAKE us feel it! We want to connect with your character. This will be a challenge in 250 words.

Prizes include two books, two query critiques, and two FULL MANUSCRIPT critiques. Like seriously...these hosts are going to read 80,000 plus words per person for the winner. That is an AWESOME prize. It's so hard to get hard to find someone that will actually set aside the time to look seriously at your work-in-progress.

Have a great Thursday and go sign-up for the blogfest! It seriously looks fun.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word! And okay, how did I miss your giveaway??? I totally want an ARC! I'm hopping right over to comment and enter. :)

  2. thx mike...i just one'd it on google +, so now you'll get a million participants... or not :P

    will 'like' it for fb as well :)

    sounds like more fun on your page

    cassie mae, i'ma goona check what you're all about once i complete this here post ;)

  3. Oh! This looks fun, I'm totally doing this. Thanks for the heads up! BTW, my contest winners are posted!

  4. Love the new header!!

    This is an exciting blogfest and I can't wait to enter and kick some ass!

    Happy New Year, Michael! ^_^

  5. Heh, you signed up for it twice!

  6. I signed up for the blogfest. Should be great fun.

  7. What a great idea for a blogfest! Thanks for the mention. And love the full crit prize too.

  8. It's Blogs like this that make me want to put my arse in the chair; this would be a great pruize to win if I had taken my MS as far as I could on my own.I may still participate for the fun of it though.

  9. Sounds like an awesome blogfest, I'll check it out.

  10. Crap, I have something scheduled on February 6. My New Year's resolution should've been less scheduled stuff, but in reality, it's just not going to happen.
    I refuse to schedule anything for 2013. Need to draw the line somewhere...

  11. It seems if one is so inclined, one could make a living out of participating in blogfests.

  12. That does look fun, but since my character insecurities make up a lot of my series' plot points, I don't think it would be good to post them on my blog. Will be looking forward to reading about your characters, though.


  13. I'll have to think on this. I would love a full MS critique, but this blogfest is a big commitment. Of course,like a full MS critique is NOT. Went and checked, I already signed up to win the ARC.

  14. I look forward to seeing what you write about your character, since I really don't know much about Slipstream yet. And those are some generous prizes.

  15. i was like, eh, i'm not sure i want to do this. And also it's right over my b-day.
    But then i get to the prizes. And now i'm in

  16. so many prizes, you are like a Santa today, Michael :)

  17. I haven't heard about this blogfest coming up. Hmm, now I must ponder whether I have the time for it or not. :)

    I'm looking forward to reading SLIPSTREAM. :D

  18. I'm in. But I'm doing it out of spite, because you think I can't write anything in 250 words (or less) but I'LL SHOW YOU! I'll SHOW ALL OF YOU!!!!


    That seems to work better when Grumpy does it. I'm going to hire him to be the face of my evil empire.

  19. So many terrific blogfests, so little time. I'm thinking about this one. It sounds like a great one for getting some writing samples out there. I also already follow Angela, so I want her to get lots of support in this.

  20. The blogfest sounds fun, and the prizes are very generous. Especially the full manuscript crits. Only problem is I don't need one right now. But I might do it anyway as it might be a good way for Ian to vent some of his

  21. I can't believe I'm so late in the running for an ARC, but I submitted my comment and will cross my fingers.

    I am stoked about this blogfest too! WOW! It's totally awesome. Can't wait!

  22. I love the new look! I've been away from the internet for a while...I apologize! Slipstream sounds AWESOME.

  23. Just stopping by to say Hi! You've got so much going on, Michael. Good luck with your new book. ; )

  24. How did I miss your contest? Oh, right, I was otherwise distracted that week.

    Interesting blogfest. I'll ponder entering, and then never get around to it. That seems to be my pattern. But thanks for telling us about it anyway.

  25. That sounds like a brilliant blogfest. I'll consider entering. But an ARC of your book? That is a must (how did I miss that?). Checking over to participate now. :)

  26. Sounds like a great blogfest. I'm sure I put in for the ARC, but I'll go check just in case.

    BTW - thanks so much for sharing your reading experience with me. I'm thrilled you are enjoying The Curse of Gremdon. Night Owls just gave it 'Top Pick' Woot. :)

  27. I'll be very interested to read your post on this blogfest. I thought I'd buy your book when it comes out. I hope I'll be the first.

  28. Wow, there is a ton of stuff going on. I'm a bit anti social, even on the internet, so I'm not so sure I'll do any of this stuff, but it does seem like fun.

  29. That voices blogfest sounded so awesome I signed right up :)

    Stay sane dude :)


  30. The blogfest sounds great! Thanks so much for letting us know :)

    Btw, thanks so much for telling your friend Charlie about my blog. I checked out his blog and it's really awesome. Yay for blog friends!!

  31. Thanks for popping by my blog. I would love an ARC. Best of luck to you.

  32. How about an ARC so I can write a review about it on my book reviewing blog?

    C'mon.... c'mon ..... crosses fingers.
