
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Snow White and the Huntsman

I kinda like this trailer. It's a different take on the whole "Snow White" thing, but I'm sold.  What do you guys think?
I don't think Kristen Stewart is very least not to be playing Snow White. However she's so popular from the Twilight films that I guess she can star in anything.  Wasn't Bella "plain"? Seems to me that she was. Interesting that someone "plain" can go to play someone that is more beautiful than the evil Charlize Theron (as the witch).


  1. Well as you said on Twitter last night, this story is fiction. Being fiction we're supposed to believe Kristen Stewart is hot. Which I don't. I also don't think she's a very good actress, but whatever.

  2. I don't know much about her acting abilities, but I know Charlize has played a huge array of characters. Hopefully Kristen will do a great job, too. I'm sure she's hoping to break away from the Twilight movies.

  3. Well, in Kristen Stewart's defense, if they wanted to find any actress prettier than the queen, they shouldn't have given Charlize Theron the role. That woman is gorgeous. Poor, poor Kristen. She never stood a chance.

  4. Wow, I haven't seen it before. Looks like a great movie. Most people like Kristen for Twilight series but I had watched bunch of movies of her before Twilight. "Speak" for example. I liked her after this film. Thanks for sharing the trailer :)

  5. The trailer looks cool - but they always do. I learned a long time ago that trailers are always cool. I just don't know.

  6. I haven't seen her in anything else so I don't know if she can act but I'll go for the 'beauty is subjective' thing. Someone must think she's the 'fairest in the land'.

    I fancy the film.

  7. The movie looks awesome. But, I'm not sure I can stomach two full hours of Kristen Stewart. She's not a great actress, and she ruined Twilight for me. You see it first and tell me how it goes.

  8. I like the idea of re-imaging this story, but where the hell are Tyrion's boys?

  9. Okay, that was cool. I think when the narrator says, ...destined to surpass you." he basically means Stewart isn't prettier than Theron, but maybe some day she will be. Doubt it. Anyway, thanks for sharing!!!

  10. This one looks awesome! And it has to be better than the awful Red Riding Hood.
    I don't think Stewart is that pretty, but then, I look at any girl under twenty-five as a child.

  11. I hadn't heard of this one yet. Looks like a cool take on the story. I've seen Kristin Stewart in other things and she seems to have some range other than swooning teen princess, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for this one.

  12. KS is not pretty in a classic sort of way--and she's upstaged by Theron who is just gorgeous.
    I hate her.
    In a nice way.

  13. This movie might actually make me go to a theater. I love fantasy shows like this one. It has a beautiful look to it.

  14. It looks good, but I'm not sure about Kristen Stewart. Her acting bugs me.

  15. I'm not sold on this. In fact, I'm a little bothered by the trailer because Snow White doesn't have any lines in it. I understand it's just a trailer, but I see it as implying that she's just a prop in the story. She's motive for the evil queen and also for the huntsman to defy the queen.
    Again, it is just a trailer, but Snow White is a pretty big deal in the story.

  16. I started typing my comment, realized I had "fallout dust" from my "increasingly-not-very-healthy" snack mix on my fingers, so I stopped and went and washed my hands and during that time you'd think I'd have thought about what I was going to comment, but instead I thought "Hmmm, whatever someone else is cooking in this kitchen smells good."

    You might ask yourself why a law office has a kitchen. I no longer ask that.

    Anyway: "Snow White" looks kind of Game-of-Throne-y sans dwarves to me, and Game Of Thrones looks kind of "Lord Of The Rings-y" to me, sans elves, so what we're left with now is fantasy that has fewer and fewer fantastic elements in it. Magical realism hits fantasy! Making it not so fantasy after all.

    Why are there no dwarves?

    I doubt I'll see this one. Nothing against Kristen Stewart, who was able to occupy space on a movie screen in "Adventureland" while simultaneously making me keep thinking "Really? Her?", but nothing in that trailer made me want to see the movie.

    AND, I'm pretty sure that the only reason Kristen Stewart is in it is to try to draw Twihards into the theater for that one,

    AND-ER, I'm pretty sure the only reason it's called "Snow White..." etc. is because people respond better to branding, in Hollywood's mind, so everything has to be "Mountain Dew Such And Such." Call this movie simply "The Huntsman" and it bombs, in their minds. Take what likely was a script loosely based on Snow White (if at all) and rebrand it as "Snow White... etc." and it's got built-in name recognition, although I'm not sure who they're thinking that will appeal to. Like Hermit Crab Toys For Little Girls, "Realistically Gruesome Snow White" seems to be an idea in search of a demographic.

    And not a great idea, at that.

  17. It looks so good until I see Kirsten. Ugh, I'm not a fan of hers. I hope she pulls the part off. You are right, not at all what I'd picture Snow White looking like. You never know, I'll wait to pass judgement until I see it.

  18. I wasn't planning on seeing this movie because of Kristen. But, after the trailer, I'm sold. Kristen is awkward and SO not Snow White, but hopefully she can pull it off.

  19. I like the trailer. It's sort of looks like Narnia meets Snow White.

  20. Nobody seems to like Kristen, least of all fans of Twilight. Can't really think of any decent female teen(ish) actresses. The last one who stood out for me was probably Winona Rider.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  21. After the pain of sitting through that Red Riding Hood movie, I know better than to be suckered by a pretty snow-falling trailer!

    Nobody's prettier than Charlize, but Kristen is younger, which brings her points way up. I always thought the point of the movie was the mirror was messing with the witch and/or the witch was getting older, so this happening was inevitable. I may be overthinking this.

  22. I hadn't been terribly interested in this movie due to my dislike of K.Stew, but having seen the trailer I'm much more interested. I love Theron and now plan to see the film when it comes out.

  23. I think it looks really good, but then I'd go see anything with Charlize Theron in it.

  24. I like the prospect that the queen is so beautiful because she takes that beauty from others.

    On, Kristen Stewart. I'm not a big fan, nor do I dislike her. I usually don't go one way or the other with actors/actresses. I also tend to like movies with less famous actors/actresses in it because it makes the character more real for me.

  25. I like the trailer; I'm not a big fan of Kristen Stewart but I don't really hate her, either.

  26. many K. Stewart haters on this thread. I'm not a hater. AND I love Charlize Theron in a girl crush sort of way. Good casting for the Queen- defnitely. The trailer has me sold on going to see this one. I loved it. I also want to know where the dwarves are in this.

  27. I will definitely see this one. I avoided Red Riding Hood, because it looked gross. This one looks to be somewhere between Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods (brilliantly dark second act), Grimm (which I'm cautiously stomaching), and Once Upon a Time (which I'm loving).

    I'm a sucker for a good fairytale. :-)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. i prefer the beautiful witch and the bland 'heroine'... but then, i'm always rooting for the witch, anyway :P lol

    i know the bland wins out here, cuz too many twits want a 'happy' ending... i do too, but my kinda 'happy' is not hollyweird 'happy'! GRRRRRRR

  30. I don't think the movie is going to try to tell us that Kristen Stewart is more physically attractive than Charlize Theron. She's clearly not. If the film is smart, it'll argue that Kristen's character is the more beautiful one in terms of internally.

  31. I can picture Angelina as a witch but not Charlize. Snow White should be someone sweet who is quick with a smile and I'm not that familiar with Kristen, but judging from Twilight she is not a happy person at all.

  32. I find the concept intriguing. Also coming next year is "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters." I'm not kidding.

  33. I have so many problems with the Twilight books. One of them is this chick is supposed to be plain, but a popular good-looking guy likes her, along with a vampire (who has been uglier in the past few years in the movies, if you ask me. Where is that cute Cedric Diggory?) and a shirtless werewolf.

    Yes, Kristen Stewart is plain to me, so she's good for the part. But as Snow White, not so much.

  34. In the world of fiction and Hollywood, anybody can be anything. Suspend your disbelief, my high school English teacher used to say. :)

  35. Bella was VERY plain, so plain it hurt to see guys willing to die for her. Hot guys at that. I am kind of looking forward to this film to, Charlize Theron looks amazing and I really love her.Maybe she should have been Show White.

  36. I have to say this is one of the few trailers that I have seen that looks halfway interesting. May have to check it out. Or at least put it in my queue as soon as it goes to video (which gets faster and faster these days!)

  37. The movie looks nervy.
    I enjoyed some of KS's work before Twilight, but let's hope she sheds the whole droopy-eyelids-when-the-emotion-is-just-too-gosh-almighty-blood-sexy-surreal.
    Theron... yes.

  38. What a cool trailer... so want to watch it...

  39. Ooh, I can't wait! I hadn't seen the trailer yet. Looks like there are some pretty cool special effects with the mirror and those birds... Three cheers for Charlize Theron!
