
Monday, November 14, 2011

American Horror Story

I have been watching American Horror Story, and I have to say, this is the most f'd up show that I have ever seen. But I'm hooked. And this isn't only because I'm a huge Zachary Quinto fan (and I'll watch just about anything that has Mr. Quinto in it). The show is completely unlike anything else on television.

Here's what we have in just the first five episodes (they are on Hulu for free if you want to watch them):

1) Mongoloid child that keeps breaking into the house and says, "You're all gonna die" and stuff like that. She's just really creepy. Her mother locks her in a closet filled with mirrors so that she only has herself to look at to remind her of how ugly she is.  Of course, the girl screams at the top of her lungs while the mother goes and has sex with a young man.

2) Ghost/demon in a black rubber suit that impregnates the lady of the house who thinks that she's having mind-blowing sex with her attractive psychiatrist husband.

3) Ghosts everywhere. You don't even know who's a ghost and who isn't. The teenage girl in the show falls in love with one and he's responsible for a terrible Columbine-like murder rampage in a local high school. Yet she's willing to give her virginity to the ghost on a romantic beach on Halloween night.

4) The slutty old woman maid ghost who looks like an attractive vixen that's always trying to get the psychiatrist protagonist to cheat on his marriage with her.

5) The next door neighbor played by Jessica Lange who gives a "twist" to the faded southern belle. She's a cougar, a psychopathic murderer, and delivers her lines with the charm and calm of a female Hannibal Lecter. When she brutally murders her husband and a girl he's screwing, you swear that her pulse barely goes above 60. Plus she puts ipecac into some muffins and has her mongoloid child spit in them and then takes them as a gift to the next door neighbor.

And it goes on and on and on. The writing in this show is amazing, riveting, and compelling. It's exactly the adult fare that I can really sink my teeth into. If you aren't watching it, I suggest that you do. It's plain awesome.


  1. "you swear that her pulse barely goes above 60."

    I love this line. It's a great visual in a few words. LOL

  2. Well, it certainly sounds odd. I'm glad it's pretty good. I'd rather have too many good choices than not enough.

  3. I like Zachery, too. At first glance I thought it was a Dexter wanna be show, but after reading your list I see I was wrong. It does sound disturbing.
    BTW - Thank you for supporting Autism funding.

  4. It is really messed up, as are most of the characters. But fascinating to watch.

  5. It'd probably be a shorter list of the shows you don't watch.

  6. Um, you'd think wearing that much rubber (see above photo) would prevent a pregnancy, but I guess not. :P

  7. This show sounds really freaky. I haven't seen or heard of it, but I rarely watch tv anymore. Thanks for the Hulu tip.

  8. It's too scary for my blood. I'm a chicken...will miss out on this one! I watched the first episode and half-watched the 2nd. The basement scene with the demonic teenager was too much for me.

  9. Someone compared this to Twin Peaks. I so have to watch this. Damn you, TV!

  10. I caught up on the 4th and 5th episode of this this weekend, too. Definitely twisted, and I love it. I hadn't caught that the neighbor boy was a ghost, though. That teen couple is the one I'm rooting for. I do love Jessica Lange as a villain though-she's divine.

  11. I started to watch these, but got scared at one episode. I'm such a wuss! I'll try them again. :)

  12. Sounds creepy! I'm not as interested in the ghost thing- never makes much sense as ghosts don't have substance and yet they can move things, bang doors, etc. I'll take werewolves (or even Zombies) over ghosts any day.

  13. thank you MO. You are proving to be a trusted source for viewables.

  14. I've been wanting to see this show. Will check it out on hulu.

  15. It's moments like this I wish I had cable so I could know what shows you're talking about, though I always appreciate another recommendation to the rental cue. :)

  16. I've been wanting to catch this for awhile now.

  17. A second person recommended this series to me today, so obv now I am compelled to stay up all night watching it! My friend had the most delighted look on her face, too--as though we were sharing super-intense gossip.

  18. Hadn't heard of this one before, but it sounds like a real adventure. Had to take a look because that guy in the picture reminds me of a young Pierce Brosnan.

  19. OMG. I have to see this show. Heads to HULU right now...

  20. are you sure zq is not brosnan's kid? sure looks like him!
