
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why I Can't Wait For Michonne

This mysterious black woman on the above cover is Michonne (pronounced ME-SHAWN). Her weapon is a katana and she's an expert at using it. This is her grand entrance which doesn't show her wearing a hood.  All badass people wear hoods. She shows up with two shackled zombies that she pulls along with a chain, one of whom is her former boyfriend and the other was his best friend. She cut off their arms and lower jaws to make them docile and unable to harm her.

Frank Darabont has confirmed that Michonne will be in the series but perhaps not until season 3.  Stephen King has also been signed to write one episode.

I leave you with more shots of Michonne who is arguably going to be the most badass character in any television series presently showing on any network.


  1. I'm not a graphic-comic guy, but she looks real badass. I'd like to hire her! ;)

  2. Had she been a "good girl" before becoming a zombie killer? :D

  3. Wow, she's badass. Another one to pick up for my husband and kid.

    Stephen King directing an episode will be great!

  4. That is one scary badass. I wouldn't like to mess with her, that's for sure.

  5. I've always said a Katana is the perfect anti-zombie weapon. I mean they can withstand a bullet, for brain's sake!

  6. I'm definitely showing this post to my son (16 y/o). He's so into zombies. And he's not too bad with a katana himself. 6'3", Black Belt 1st Dan...zombies beware!

  7. Why does she take the zombies with her? Wouldn't it be easier to just kill them? I mean she can kill all these other zombies apparently but not those of her boyfriend and other friend?

  8. I love kick-butt heroines!!!! Awesome.

  9. She looks really badass and cool.

  10. @Charlie: I agree sir.

    @Javid: Her background is mysterious. They only give glimpses in the comic book. Like I'm not certain how she came to learn the katana.

    @Theresa: I can't wait for King's episode.

    @Ann: I agree.

    @Matthew: I had no idea they could withstand a bullet. Somehow it is not surprising that you know this.

    @Julie: heheh

    @Rogue: the show and the story shall unfold (or read the comics). Not gonna spoil it for you.

    @Lynn: Me too.

    @Marjorie: I agree.

  11. Wow...this is gruesome. She cut off their arms to make them docile? She is not messing around.

  12. Wow, that'll be quite a series!

  13. I love her! And she is a bad ass! She's intense and I love that she's mutilated her friend & boyfriend and still drags them around. Is that friendship or what? Awesome post.

  14. @Michael: I could do that but it's easier not to, so I'll just leave the zombies to my brother's fiancee. Except for Shaun of the Dead. That's freaking hilarious.

  15. I would also like to hire her...maybe for PR.

  16. Samurai swords - a practical must have for any zombie survivalist. :)

  17. I can't wait for her to show up, with pets too :-)

  18. She does appear to be a total bad ass. I love a kick-butt character, especially a female.

  19. I haven't read any of the Walking Dead graphic novels but I am enjoying the show (in broad daylight. Can't watch it at night...). She looks like she'll be a great addition to the cast.

  20. I haven't read the graphic novels, but I'm looking forward to her appearance on the show. Sounds like she has an interesting back story!

  21. I'm so very with you, Michael! I love Michonne and when I watched Sunday's premiere I was thinking about how awesome it'll be when she shows up. Andrea becomes pretty bad ass too (though not with a katana sword) and I'm look forward to seeing her character evolve on the show.

  22. Not until season three? With budget cuts in the show, by that time she'll be dragging half a skull.

  23. I love tough character like this. It totally inspires me to write!

  24. Oooh, She does sound B.A. I love it. Sharing these little tid-bits shot me to top of my office's cool-kids list. Thanks! :D

  25. Ditto what Rogue said. Why??

    I can't do zombie movies (except for Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead because they weren't scary gory zombies).

  26. Michonne is one cool chick. 'Course I won't be watching - nervous nelly that I am. :)

  27. Interesting... I was a little grossed out by all the slicing and dicing in the first episode last night but that's what they're after, right? They need to sharpen up the dialogue a little but it's good to see it back on! Just can't wait for Madmen though! THEN I will be in heaven!!!

  28. I'm way behind on reading posts, sorry about that, but OMG MICHONNE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER. I love that she's sort of on the fence about this whole good and bad thing. She's wonderful and tough as nails and so mysterious and I am in love with how lovely she is. She rocks my socks.

    When I was rereading the graphic novels, I had forgotten how long it takes before she enters the story. I had to control my desire to skim through until she does.

  29. Well, I have to admit that I find zombies pretty cool. I've been watching the show. Weird, because I tend to roll my eyes at all undead sorts of bad guys... wait, are mummies zombies?

    Anyway, sorry I was so scarce last week.

  30. SPOILER****SPOILER****
    For all of those asking, she didn't kill them because 2 reasons.
    (1). Who wants to kill their boyfriend AND best friend
    (2). The scent of the zombies keeps the others away fairly well... as demonstrated in season one (they covered themselves in zombie to get something)
