
Thursday, October 20, 2011


When what we know doesn't suffice...
And when we feel like we don't fit in...
And then we see someone so cool that we want to be around them all the time...
We think...will they like me? Can I finally end this loneliness and have a real friend?
And we fear rejection...
But if we never take a chance, how can we ever know what love feels like?
I have news for you my friends...but it isn't this...
It is this...

  • A good story teaches.
  • A good story entertains.
  • A good story takes you back to a time when your eyes brim with wonder.
  • Take my hand.
  • Click play and come fly with me on the back of a dragon.

I'm so excited for this sequel.

That is all. :)


  1. I. LOVED. THAT. MOVIE! Yay! A sequel! I can't wait!

  2. Another movie that rocks for kids AND adults. I can't wait!

  3. Took me a minute to realize what the hell HTTYD meant. But since I'm still in my 30s and don't have kids I won't be seeing it.

  4. Yay! I loved watching the first one and definitely will catch the second one.

  5. One of the better animated films I've seen in years, considering I watch mostly animated or CGI heavy features. Better than the last Toy Story (by a hair), if you ask me. Looking forward to the next two Dragons. And the next four Pandas!

    And while I'm at it, the first part of The Adventures of Tintin. :)

  6. Rogue - I'm almost in my 30s and am never going to have kids - but this movie is a MUST! I loved it and I can't wait for the sequel... sooo excited (this coming from a 27year old who reads the Beano every week)

    By the way Michael... I want that hat :)

  7. @Rogue: Oh okay big boy. I'd hate for this movie to drag you away from Star Trek the ANIMATED SERIES.

  8. Haven't seen the first one yet. I'll have to fix that. It looks adorable.

  9. @Michael There's a difference between me watching nostalgic programs in the privacy of my own home versus me going alone to a theater to watch a kid's movie.

    I'll just have to wait like six years so I start shanghaiing my niece when I want to see a kid's movie.

  10. Is it bad that I thought the letters stood for 'How to tell you're dead'?

  11. This is one of our all time favorite family movies at my house, so I'm ecstatic to hear about a sequel. Can't wait. Thanks, Mike!

  12. I loved that movie. I didn't know they were making a sequel. Shouldn't be surprised by it though. Yay!

  13. *glomp* You have just given me the best pre-birthday present ever. I LOVE THE FACE OFF THAT MOVIE!

  14. My replies mostly sent via email but am posting here because I want to regale you people with my endless wit:

    @Steph: You just want a squishy guy that trains dragons and takes you for flights over pristine forests and viking shoals on the back of Toothless the dragon. I see right through you.

    @Matthew: And lest you forget...the animated series from Cartoon Network as well. Mmmhmmm. Forget the chicken dance. The dragon dance will be the new rage. George R.R. Martin would be so proud...even though "A Dance With Dragons" had no "dance moves" in it. He's just cashing in on the hype. Fucking sellout. >,<

    @Sarah: It's like a Rorschach Ink blot test. If you came to that conclusion it means that 1) You have not had your morning coffee and 2) the sex you had last night was so epic it left you with nothing come morning.

    Both of these things are easily fixable

    @M.J. It did make 550 million dollars at the box office. That's a bag of change even by Obama's standards.

    @Munk. No sir. Excellence is a word that applies to the Hugo, the Nebula, and to you Mr. Munk Davis. But I am proud that my post can (for a moment) get a nod from titans like you.

  15. Totally just got goosebumps watching that! And I screeched a little when I saw there is a 2. I love this movie. So, awesome.

  16. I've never actually watched the whole movie. I've tried a few times with Mr F and Mr Bunches, but we get about 1/3 of the way in and they get bored and we go back to something more exciting for them. I'll give it another shot this weekend, because I want them to like dragons as much as I like dragons.

    Also: Love feels like a dragon pushing against your hand? I've been doing it all wrong.

  17. @Briane P: It does if the guy has a sufficiently large penis.

    Never leave comments on my blog that are this easy. You shall become a target. Now you can go wash your eyes out with soap for my work here is done. :)

  18. I loved that movie, made the kids go just because I wanted to see it. And if you have dragon love, ahem, pushing against your hand, I'm quite envious.

  19. The first one was awesome! Should've won the Oscar for Best Animated Film. Stoked for the second one.

  20. Yay! I hoped they'd make a sequel. Such a great movie!

  21. Great news! I didn't know about the sequel.

  22. @Cindy: No one did. That's why I posted it. I like to keep my writer friends informed because more than half of them don't read books outside their genre. Given that the plots are all the same...all they learn from book to book is that the guy's name changed and the powers are different. I've also discovered that it's my job to keep the thirty-something crowd abreast of current pop culture. Otherwise they would stay stuck in the eighties.

  23. Ohmygosh, there's a sequel! I AM SO EXCITE. Thanks for breaking the news to me in such an awesome gif-filled way!

  24. I have to admit - I haven't even seen the first movie. After this heartwarming post, you can bet I'm going to check it out. (Hugs)Indigo

  25. I wish these had all come out just a few years earlier. My kids were too old. I'm glad to have gone through the Harry Potter with them so I have an excuse to stay immersed, but there is a lot after that I know I've missed.

  26. This was fun ... and I'll keep my eye out for it!

  27. I haven't seen the first one....This teaser is enough to make me want to rent #1. :) I LOVE dragons.

  28. So we're taking all of our pocket-writer-friends to the premiere, right? :P I'll be there when that movie opens, guaranteed!

  29. I'm SO excited. I LOVED the first one. My little man cuddled with me the entire time with eyes half shut and at the end he stood up and yelled. "That was the most awesomest movie ever!"

  30. I have to get around to watching How To Train Your Dragon . . .

  31. Hey! I like the 80s!
    But I do do a decent job of keeping up with my own pop culture; although, I have to admit you scooped me on this one.

    And Mutt: Just man up and go see the kid movie by yourself! Good grief! I never let not having kids stop me before I had kids.

  32. I'M SO EXCITED, I HAVE NO WOOOOORDS!!! lol. Gosh, I hope it doesn't suck. Sequels tend to suck. But I will love it anyway <3

  33. I haven't seen the first one yet; but it looks heartwarming. A rainy day kind of movie :)


  34. I love that movie. It's one of my all-time favorites.

    But yes, I did know that there was a sequel coming. I saw it somewhere. I hope it's half as good as the first.

  35. I loved the first one. I hope they can make as great as the first one. Hard task. Look at Shrek 2.

  36. For same, I still have not seen the first one. I suck!

  37. NO WAY! I love this movie! Can't wait for a sequel!

  38. Haven't seen this movie yet!! I should probably add it to the list, eh?

  39. In my thirties - Check
    No kids - Check
    Going to be there opening day wearing that kick-butt beanie - Triple Check!!

  40. There is a sequel in the works? For real? I really like the first one. It felt like they really told the story though. I'm not sure where they will take it next.

    Pretty cool.

  41. Most of my "mommy" friends think I'm crazy when I say that "How to Train Your Dragon" was my favorite animated film since "The Nightmare Before Christmas"; but you captured all the reasons so eloquently! I'm glad to see there are others out there like me! And in response to a comment you left for me ages ago: Yes! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE WALKING DEAD! :)
