
Friday, July 7, 2023

This is a story that should bring a smile to any writer's face.

In a story that brought a smile to my face, the author of Leigh Howard and the Ghost of Simmons-Pierce Manor became an internet sensation when he was filmed at his book signing looking defeated with no one in attendance. The author, Shawn Warner, explained that this was his debut novel, and it was about a teenaged girl who tries to solve her parent's murders with the help of a ghost.

The TikToker Red, known as @internetfamouslol, posted the video online where it went viral (it has 17 million views), and it turned Warner's debut novel into an Amazon Best Seller overnight. As you might expect, Shawn was really grateful at the legion of fans he got from TikTok.

That's a really cool story to end the week, don't you think? A little kindness gave this guy a huge payday.


  1. And of course, makes you wonder why no one ever posted videos of either of us for that to happen. Joking aside, that is a really cool story. Poor dude looks like he's sitting in a grocery store of all places!

  2. I guess people feeling sorry for me and buying books is better than nothing.

  3. That's cool. You just have to hit it right to go viral and become a success. It sounds like a good book, too, so I'm sure that helped.
