
Monday, March 14, 2022

The Star Trek Strange New Worlds trailer is a thing of beauty that dips heavily into comfort and hope for our future

The new teaser trailer for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds dropped this last week. It is a new series following Paramount +'s take on the origin story of Christopher Pike, whom we last saw in Star Trek: Discovery season two (I loved him in that season by the way). We also get a young Spock, and I liked the actor they chose to play him (although I do love Zachary Quinto's take as well). I actually prefer Zachary Quinto, but I'm a big fan of Trek so I'll take what I can get. Whether it is the better of two sci-fi franchises is up for much debate, but The New York Times recently got around this conundrum with a crossword puzzle that allowed you to fill in the name of both Star Trek and Star Wars and still get the puzzle right.

That being said, I'm kind of sick of the world today. This includes sky-high inflation, how I'm exhausted all the time from working, supply chain shortages, there's a war in Europe, gaslighting is everywhere, and bullies are having their heyday. Because of all of this, it's nice to have stories of hope, optimism, and progress about our future. That's what Star Trek always was, and it's kind of becoming a bit of an addiction for me now to just sink into these shows that Paramount + is pumping out and think that (very much) Star Trek has become my version of heaven. I really do mean that by the way. I know I'm an atheist, but that just means that I don't believe in god due to a lack of reliable scientific evidence as to their existence. It doesn't mean that I can't dream and fantasize about things that aren't real. If I were given a chance to describe what heaven was to me, it would be remarkably similar if not entirely identical to living in the Star Trek universe, joining Starfleet, and working alongside people doing the hard job of exploration and first contact. It wouldn't be sitting on clouds listening to angels play harps, or whatever all else people make up about heaven.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the trailer for Strange New Worlds, you can check it out below. It looks like something I'm going to enjoy about the same time that season 2 of Picard winds down.


  1. I really liked Pike in Discovery season 2 though I would be concerned that this is a prequel series so it might have a lot of the problems prequels do. In 2019 when I designed my "perfect" sci-fi universe I used a lot of Trek though I had some other elements as well.

  2. I'm rather sick of the world as well and will gladly take another Trek. Don't forget Picard season two is also going!

  3. And Pat, I can't leave a comment at the moment - the box won't let me type - but I'll try later.

  4. I only just watched season 2 of Discovery, so the character is fairly fresh to me. I'm intrigued by this show. We'll see if I start it.

    (Since you have Paramount +, have you seen Evil?)

  5. @Liz: I haven't seen "Evil." Is it good? You recommend?
