
Monday, February 7, 2022

Why are there so many white people on Tatooine?

It's an honest question that deserves an answer. We all know that desert areas (and areas that are hot and get lots of light) have people with darker skin tones to make up for the sun's damage. But on Tatooine, when a human shows up, a lot of the time they have lighter skin. I've been watching the Book of Boba Fett, and this question popped into my head. But Boba Fett has been shown to use a bacta tank almost every day when he retires for the evening. So, I was thinking. Maybe the colonists and other folk undo the sun's damage by slathering themselves in bacta every night. It seems plausible, so I'm going with it (even if it is super silly).

Also...I'm really enjoying The Book of Boba Fett. Is anyone else watching? 


  1. If Tatooine had water then it was probably like Naboo so it would be fine for white people to live on. Maybe they'll have something about that in all that High Republic junk.

    I think the Boba Fett show is pretty meh so far. The last two episodes have been a lot of fan service that didn't really add to the plot.

  2. I'm really enjoying it. A co-worker is an intense Star Wars fan thought the last two were the best.

  3. That's an excellent question. There should be darker skin tones there, shouldn't there?

  4. The bacta tank was for sarlacc damage.
