
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Zack Snyder's trailer for Justice League shows the man knows how to market.

Zack Snyder knows how to put together a movie trailer. He really does. This spot for the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League, which (if I remember correctly) adds two hours to the film's original run time, is packed full of goodies that make me want to watch it. But I didn't really enjoy the original Justice League movie. I getting suckered in again? Hmm. I guess. I'm actually kind of fascinated at how radically different it seems to be from what we got with Joss Whedon in the theatrical release a few years ago. One thing it has going for it? It seems to me that the big studios don't really spend this kind of cash on parody projects these days. So, it's interesting that Warner Brothers is making a leap of faith like this for Snyder to release his own cut.

I actually wonder how successful this movie will be. Any of y'all out there got any thoughts and care to weigh in? I put the trailer below for those who may not have seen it yet. But at first glance, the thing looks epic.


  1. I'm actually really excited to see it. It does look really good.

  2. I would have been more excited if I hadn’t already seen the movie 3+ years ago. It’s hard to get excited about a modified version of a movie I’ve already seen. And I don’t see where this is going to lead to anything because half of the Justice League (Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Ray Fisher) are no longer under contract. They aren’t going to get Fisher back with all the bad blood and it would cost a lot to get the other two back, so I just don’t see a lot happening.

    Without HBO Max this wouldn’t be happening at all. WB wanted something to lure new subscribers and since they hadn’t decided to release WW84 there yet this seemed like a good way to get a lot of attention. It follows the Netflix mold of spending a lot of money on original content that’s essentially a commercial. I’m not sure what metric they’ll use to determine if it’s successful enough that they should try to do more with it because I’m sure a lot of people will just sign up to watch it and quit or “borrow” someone’s HBO login to watch.

    I liked Aquaman and Shazam so I wish they’d just forget the Zack Snyder crap and move on.

  3. I don't know. Did I see the original cut? Do I want to sit through something that long? You'll have to tell me if it's actually worth it.
