
Friday, October 18, 2019

You can almost hear the shriek of the marmot in this photograph which won the most prestigious award at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

Yongquing Bao of Qinghai, China, captured the moment a marmot reacts in shock at a Tibetan fox about to pounce. Their efforts were rewarded when they won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award at London's Natural History Museum. I think the thing that stands out most to me in this photo is the expression on the marmot's face. It's shear terror, and it's a reminder that the natural world is brutal. You can view the gallery of entries at this link if you'd care to see some of the others. 


  1. I saw this shot. Perfect timing.

  2. I can't believe this is a real shot and not Photoshopped.

  3. I saw all the final photos and were amazed by the quality, but this poor marmot did deserve the prize. Too bad he didn't survive to collect it.
