
Friday, May 3, 2019

I'm a day late and a dollar short for the Insecure Writer's Support Group post but here it is anyway

CLICK HERE to go to the sign-up link for this monthly blog fest.

As Alex Cavanaugh pointed out on Wednesday, I could have talked about lazy writing. But I was coming off a big nerd weekend where I had a lot of things on my mind. You know...Avengers: Endgame followed by "The Long Night" episode of Game of Thrones. Alex, you were 100% correct that I could have used that as an IWSG post. But, I forgot. So I'm answering the May 1st question on May 3rd.

Here it is: What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

I think I learned that language had power when I was 13 years old and visiting Japan with my mom. I was picking up on the language, but I didn't know how to speak it very well. I realized that communicating with others is a real challenge, and that you really are at the mercy of those who can communicate and then translate things to you. So there you have it.

Have a great weekend everyone, and if you are writing, don't make it lazy.


  1. Now worries - the day snuck up on a lot of people since it was the first of May.
    I can relate to your experience. When we came back to the States after living in Japan for years, my brother and I had challenges as our Japanese was better than our English.

  2. I have that experience any time I have to call customer support for help. 😂

  3. That's an interesting experience. They say it's good to teach kids another language early.

  4. And I'm days late in commenting.

    I think I instinctively learned about the importance of language, and maybe the power, when I was a kid and like the rest of my family had to be the back-up ears for our Dad, who had the beginnings of nerve deafness. I would repeat things on TV shows or in conversations with others that he missed. Learning to repeat verbatim whole sentences also helped my grasp of language.
