
Monday, July 2, 2018

A little Ant-Man and the Wasp humor for a Monday.

Here's a little humor I inflicted on the group mind of my Dungeons and Dragons collective. There are six of us that meet about once a month to play (sometimes more often and sometimes less often). Our scheduled meetings tend to fluctuate with "adulting" responsibilities, vacations, jobs, the rare booty call, and depression/mental health issues. Needless to say, they didn't appreciate my joke. My friend Brad Habegger though thought it was hella funny. My comments are in the green bubble. After my initial text of two dots I waited like five minutes, just so that everyone who received it would be Did Mike just butt-text by accident? They have called me a professional-level troll.
And below is an argument I started on another day. This one was mostly aimed at Matt Callison, a friend who is my age in our D&D group (the rest are younger and one is even a teenager), and who has his finger squarely on the pulse of pop-culture. The initial "insult" in green (mine) was totally aimed at trolling Matt. And I was pleased that it worked. Just to give context...there was no lead up to discussion of the very old t.v. show "Buck Rogers in the 25th century." Essentially, if you hadn't lived through it, you'd have no idea what I was talking about (which was the complete point of the whole exercise to begin with).
"MC" is Matt Callison. Anyway, this was solid entertainment on a workday afternoon.


  1. First is a groaner, but funny.
    Erin Gray was definitely hotter. Even in the horrible 70's garb.

  2. BTW, yesterday I watched the documentary "Believer" on HBO. It was about the lead singer of Imagine Dragons putting together a music festival in Provo to try to get Mormons to be more accepting of the LGBT community. It was pretty interesting. Was the "LoveLoud" festival a big thing in Utah? Or is this the first you're hearing about it? I just thought I'd ask to try to get the local perspective.

    1. I’m sure it was a pretty big deal for those who follow that kind of music, but it’s off my radar. I listen to classical music or jazz these days. I’m also just enjoying the world and my house. My typical week is to watch a few movies, eat good food, mow grass, work on the yard, and read books. I honestly have unplugged from everything outside of that.

  3. I wanted to be Princess Ardala.

  4. Yeah for Buck Rogers. I watched that so many times. It's great to have fun with your friends.
