
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Speculative Fiction is the funnest genre in which to write.

Time flies, and January was the second warmest month on record here in Utah. So it's time to spread all that warmth and love (Valentine's Day is on its way people) by doing yet another installment of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Started way back when by Mr. Alex Cavanaugh, the IWSG is an online movement, participated in by thousands of people who have one thing in common: writing. Long ago, I opted to start answering the monthly question rather than come up with any kind of writing advice (there are so many articles on writing out there that I can think of nothing that I might add that hasn't already been covered in triplicate). If you too want to participate, then you'll need to sign-up HERE. Now, onto the February question.

What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

My genre is called speculative fiction, and I love that it's so huge. It throws a shadow over such things as science fiction and fantasy, and it groups together urban fantasy, dark fantasy, and things like "silk punk" and "cyberpunk." I think the thing I love the most about it, to be honest, is the art. There is so much speculative fiction art out there from people who paint worlds and cities and envision movies that are able to seize people by the jugular and take them to a place that feels alien and exciting. If you watch the Marvel movies and come out of them feeling like you've had a lot of fun, then that's what I love about speculative fiction: its ability to just be fun. I don't think it's quite like any other genre. All speculative fiction asks of its writers is to be imaginative and coherent. If you accomplish those two things, you have achieved at least a modicum of success.


  1. Happy to hear you've found your niche. That's what makes writing in any genre successful, the love and knowing that you're writing because you simply love it. All the best in your writing.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  2. It can be fun. For that matter, it can be anything, and that's the beauty and freedom. As for artwork, it was one incredible drawing that started me down the writing road.
    Ironically, we just had one of the coldest Januarys in our history last month.

  3. I love it for the same reasons you do. Plus I like to imagine the future and other worlds.

  4. It is pretty versatile. I wish it were warm here.

  5. Oh yes, some of the art in the field... Such amazing images.

  6. Its that coherency that is hardest to achieve. But, your reasons for writing it are also why I love reading - and watching - so much. The worlds (hence the art) are vibrant and inspiring. I've missed seeing your art Mike; you are creative and I'd love to see you post more of your own creations.

    Have a great weekend :)

  7. You're so right about the art. I only dabble in reading speculative fiction, but the artwork can be amazing. Like Dolorah says above, are we gonna see more of YOUR art, Mike my dear?
