
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In Full Frontal Samantha Bee asks female heads of state around the world about misogyny.

If you have time, watch this six minute clip from Samantha Bee's Full Frontal. I found it interesting, because she goes around and asks female heads of state around the world about misogyny. If anything, it's a real eye-opener.


  1. It's pretty sad. So where's your Walking Dead post?

  2. I saw this piece from Samantha Bee and found it interesting and extremely relevant. I'm also waiting for your take on the Walking Dead premier.

  3. I love her show, it's the best political humor show on TV right now. I wish she had gotten the Daily Show but it is probably better to let her spend a week creating one great show than making four average shows.

  4. Thanks for this. I need to start DVRing her show.

  5. First: Sorry I'm so late getting to this post. Second--I really wanted to strangle those morons at Fox News (and from elsewhere) who spouted off such stupidity. This really was sickening.
