
Friday, March 4, 2016

Zootopia is sitting at 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and it really is a masterpiece

I love animated films and was really looking forward to seeing Zootopia even before it smashed all records on Rotten Tomatoes ever by nailing a 100% Fresh rating spread out over 93 separate reviews (and counting). But once I learned this astounding fact (as I lethargically checked what was in the theaters this weekend) I absolutely had to go and see it. So watched it I did. I haven't felt this good coming out of an animated film since How to Train Your Dragon 2, or perhaps the Pixar era of hit after hit after hit.

And it's so timely. I don't want to spoil any of the message that this film carries, but it's really awesome and guys you should go see this movie. Seriously. Zootopia is frickin' fantastic and unless your heart is two-sizes too small, it will touch you just like Toy Story 3 touched you. Just let the feels know you want to.


  1. You went last night? We're seeing it tonight. I wasn't that interested until I started reading the reviews and realized how many fresh tomatoes it had. (Chicken Run had over a hundred fresh once until some jerk had to spoil it.)

  2. This movie looks so cute. I hope I get to see it. (I'm bias since I have a pet rabbit.)

  3. It looks like a cute movie, so I'm glad to hear the praise I've heard is well-deserved. And I really did love the How To Train Your Dragon movies, so maybe I should put this one on my list.

  4. I'm taking my grandson to see it tomorrow. Now I'm looking forward to seeing it even more than I was.

  5. Aww, I think this movie looks so cute. Definitely want to see it.

  6. LOve to let the feels in. If it's available in English here, I'll see it. Thanks.

  7. The reviews perked my interest and from what I heard it's amazing. Plan to see Zootopia when it hits Jamaica. Glad you enjoyed it Mike. The animated movie I'm super excited for is Secret Life of Pets.

  8. Thanks to your review, I just might pay to see this.

  9. I read something about what it's about. I generally like animated films, so I look forward to seeing it. In about a year when it comes on TV.
