
Friday, February 19, 2016

This is a really nice picture of Colima Volcano erupting in Mexico

Photographer Sergio Tapiro took this picture. It's of Colima Volcano, and it won 3rd prize in the "Nature" category for the year's best photographs. As usual, click to Embiggen. If you want to check out the other entries, you can go HERE to see them. First place was pretty incredible, but there's something about this one that just electrifies me. :) Have a good weekend.


  1. It shows the power and fury of an angry Earth, or just a planet that's still in its infancy.

  2. I seriously thought this was a fantasy painting until you wrote it's a photograph. Thank you for the link -- I loved checking out the photos and I want a copy of the B&W one with the humpback whale and divers.
