
Friday, December 11, 2015

I really really want this poster for Ready Player One by artist Harlem Elam.

I want this poster so bad. Artist Harlem Elam was commissioned to do it, and he got author Ernest Cline to sign every one. I recognize all the pop culture references for the book. It really is 8-bit perfection. Oh and you can click to embiggen.

My review of Ready Player One (which I read earlier this year) is located HERE.


  1. I did hear about this poster. I hope you find your copy. (Or are you hinting that someone should buy it for you?)

  2. I hope you manage to scratch that itch by acquiring this poster.

  3. I hope you get it Mike. Clearly you love it. I have been meaning to buy a copy but I have other books ahead on my buying list.

  4. Is it a limited edition that's hard to buy into, or is it just so very expensive. Whatever the situation, may a signed copy of the poster come your way very soon.
