
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

If you're feeling insecure I think it's best to never second guess yourself.

This comic says it all.

The Insecure Writer's Support Group badge and site are HERE.
Co-hosts for the October edition are:

I am stepping away from the blog until next Wednesday. Have a good week.


  1. It's the second guessing that kills me, but I'm learning to trust in my gut more. :)

  2. That basically nails it. Readers catch on to stuff a lot faster than writers realize.

    -JS Pailly

  3. I think the initial reaction is the best one. The more I over think something the more confused and indecisive I become.

  4. I've had this problem before and later I regret changing my mind. Too Funny.

  5. That sounds like me and gift giving. I'm sure something is perfect. I get it. Then I start to doubt. But in the end, the recipient loves it (or at least says they do).

  6. Like, loving the sentences or paragraph, then remembering to kill those darlings, only to put them back later, only re-worded so they look different. Yeah.

  7. Yeah, we tend to overthink things, but just like the comic strip, the reader gets it immediately. Enjoy your time away.

  8. LOL, love the graphic, and so true. Do that all the time!

  9. I swear I left a comment for this post on Friday. So now I'm feeling insecure about whether my comments will show up! (It takes so little to tip me over the deep end.)

    See you on Wednesday.

  10. Go with your gut! So very true. We writers like to doubt ourselves.
