
Monday, August 10, 2015

Fear the Walking Dead actually looks better than The Walking Dead. How is that even possible?

You all know how much of a HUGE fan I am of The Walking Dead. I like the characters, the setting, zombies...what more could you ask for from an ongoing series? Everybody else seems to agree with me because The Walking Dead is a monster hit. In the world of cable shows, it's basically what Harry Potter was to young adult fiction. With only a couple weeks and counting from the premiere, AMC released another trailer with some "behind the scenes" peeks at the series from showrunner Dave Erickson and many of the cast members.

What can you expect from season 1? Well it's going to take place in the time that Rick was in a coma (a period of about five weeks). But what I get from the sneak peek embedded below is a tremendous sense of dread, fear, and full on horror. It also promises to be action-packed because we all know how the world basically ends. That it ends in a mere five weeks is incredible. Imagine going from everything that we take for granted right now to five weeks later where we see the total and complete collapse of civilization as we know it. 


  1. With only a five week time frame, it will be a really short series.

  2. As long as it's better than the Strain about that.

  3. I keep hearing the same sentiments from other WD fans. I'm still on the outside looking in on this one.

  4. I'm also a big fan of The Walking Dead, but it seems to be running out of steam. I'm hoping this spinoff will return us to the horror and excitement of TWD's first few seasons.

  5. I can no longer handle the gore, so I read the reviews, and your posts of course. Keep up that way. I know, I'm a wimp!

  6. I hope you have a great time watching it. Me, I'm still catching up on other series, but this show isn't one of them 'cause zombies kinda gross me out.

  7. Hopefully that's a good thing. Others have taken more interesting premises and done nothing with them, so it'll all be in the execution. Of course, they have a good track record.
