
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ended up turning in a fantastic season two finale

Last night's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had an action packed season finale. First off, I had no idea it was a two hour season finale at that. I think I just kept thinking, "Is this episode going to end?" Second off, I was surprised that Skye's father ended up begin Mr. Hyde. I thought that was a rather interesting development. Third, Coulson is forming a new superpowered team with Skye at the center. I like it. Maybe there's been pressure from The Flash to showcase more superheroes in the show. It's a major shift away from the season one pitch, which was a show about normal people dealing with a world where superheroes are real. Marvel/Disney probably wants to invigorate ratings on the show because they know it works well to launch ideas and to promote their movies.

I thought for sure that the writers would redeem Ward. Nope, he's still evil. And the road that the character has traveled looked like it may have run out of steam, but he's going to become the head of Hydra.

As for Raina, I never much liked her character and kind of wonder if all that makeup she was wearing was a pain to get into. Having her character die was probably a mercy killing really. That way she can seek out another role that doesn't require her to probably wear really painful contact lenses.

There's also the matter of the Terrigen Mist, which is now being mass distributed as fish oil and will probably cause a change in the entire Marvel universe in general. And of course they couldn't leave well enough alone. Fitz asked Simmons to go on a date and left the room only to have her get attacked by the rock in the hold and get sucked into it. That's gotta suck. I wonder what happened to her?

Overall, this was a very satisfying end to a really good season. Agree? Disagree? I hate the fact I'm going to have to wait 8 months to get some answers. Sigh.


  1. Was busy, so recorded it and will watch today. (So, trying to skip spoilers.) Hopefully it did end with a great episode. My experience thus far with season two has been a great episode followed by several that have annoyed the crap out of me.

  2. If they add the second season to Netflix maybe I'll get around to watching it at some point.

  3. I agree with you. There were a lot of moments last night when my jaw hit the floor. Looking forward to seeing where they'll take the show next—especially Simmons!

  4. Haven't gotten into this one. Eight months is much too long to wait for a program to return.

  5. They are mean ones making you wait. Hopefully you will be distracted by some other show.

  6. I was sad to see Phil not make it to any film past Avengers 1

    1. I wasn't. They've already got a ton of characters running around in the Avengers. I think that Hawkeye maybe got 10 minutes of screen time. My guess is that Marvel doesn't want to explain for the movie going audience why Phil Coulson is alive because there are fans that watch the movies that don't watch the television series.

  7. 8 months? Aren't they coming back in September? (Or October?)

    I'm wondering what that whole fish oil thing was. Was it just a little visual joke? Will it be something next season?

    1. Okay so I'm off by three months. The fish oil thing was the terrigen mist that makes inhumans and kills regular humans. It all leaked out and got into the food supply. So lots of people are going to die next season while others become super-powered. Basically without access to the X-Men franchise, this is how Marvel is creating run of the mill super powers. It's also a launching point for Captain America: Civil War, which will be all about registration for those who have powers (of which Skye is the first).

  8. I watched the first season of SHIELD on netflix, and the second season was already half over when I started on TV. I'm hoping to catch the entire second season somewhere.

  9. Since I'm not watching this show, I can't say anything on it. But I can tell you that this last week the series DIG ended and I really enjoyed it. But then it got into archeology, Middle Eastern politics, and Book of Revelation nut cases. Right up my alley!

    1. I don't watch Dig, nor have I ever heard of it. I should go and investigate. If you like it, chances are I'd probably like it too.
