
Monday, April 13, 2015

Game of Thrones had many opportunities to show full frontal on last night's premiere but they must be trying to be respectable now.

"Boo!" I say. I'm not necessarily complaining about last night's season premiere, but Game of Thrones had many opportunities to show full frontal on last night's premiere, but I think they've made too much money and are trying to be respectable now. As if...right? I mean we did get a nameless prostitute in the brothels of Merene. But Loras (the Knight of Flowers)? Nope. Loras' lover Olyver that used to work in the brothel's of King's Landing? Nope. What about Daenery's lover Daario? Nope. But just to be clear, I don't watch this series for the sex or the nudity. That's just icing on the cake. Oh and just in case you don't know who Olyver is, here's a picture of the actor. I think we need him as a main character.
Honestly, I'm really really excited that the season is off to a good start. I love that Tyrion is going to join Daenerys, and it's interesting that Missandei is going to be trying to figure out her relationship with Gray Worm. Both the actor and actress that play these two characters are doing a great job. Missandei has just the right awkwardness in her face when she asks Gray Worm why an unsullied (who is a eunuch) would seek out a brothel. In the role of Daenerys' advisor, she's in a powerful position and probably has the motive of seeking out reasons for why "The Unsullied" may be slipping in their discipline. But there's also sexual curiosity there behind Missandei's eyes, a curiosity that I share because I want answers too, because why wouldn't you want to know if a man that's been turned into a eunuch could still have a sex drive. I'd think it's human nature, kind of like questioning a person who's in a wheel chair about sensitive topics because you want to know how certain things work.

The beginning of the show threw me for a loop. I wasn't expecting to see a young Cersei, and I've no idea who the dark-haired girl was that went with her. Maybe that was in the books, and I've just forgotten, but the flashback to Cersei's youth was a good way to segue into the aftermath of Tywin Lannister's assassination, and how the folk of King's Landing have gathered to pay their respects, but also to circle the now defrocked Lannister family. No one fears them anymore, and that's a problem.

Oh and did I say big dragons?! Daenerys' dragons are huge, but where's Drogon? I bet he's absolutely terrifying now. It's going to be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out, especially those parts that are most definitely not in any of the published works.


  1. Don't have HBO, so will have to catch it later. I can live without the full frontal.

  2. There was full frontal in the brothel, just not from a male. It was a good season opener but it seemed to end too quickly. Too bad this couldn't have been a 90 minute episode.

    1. I mentioned the full frontal from the nameless female actor. I was just upset that they dropped the ball so many times when it counted.

  3. I read somewhere that this is where the show deviates from the books. Probably because Martin is taking his damn sweet time writing them!

  4. Well there was still plenty of naked ass for you, so that's something, right? So that guy who got burned up didn't die in the books? At least that's what I thought I read somewhere.

    1. I thought he died in the books. I can't quite remember, but I believe Melisandre needed King's blood and Mance Raydar was the "King beyond the wall."

  5. I'm sure there'll be plenty more opportunities to see it all, but you're always going to get more female than male in that regard. Not even HBO is that edgy.

  6. Another show I don't watch, but I know it's wildly popular

  7. I used to have horses and there was one gelding that still retained his desire for females. So I can only conclude that same could happen with a man.

  8. Still haven't started this show, namely for reasons I've already mentioned (no cable), but man have I enjoyed Daredevil so far. Finally got an exclusive show on Netflix that rings my bells. :)

  9. Really, truly, one of these days I'll start watching this show--get HBO or something. As for the nudity--SNL once had a funny skit in which a fourteen-year-old boy was the artistic advisor or something. His constant advice? More naked women!

  10. I thought I read this episode had some serious deviations from the books. But i could be mistaken.

  11. I have a pretty good idea where Drogon is. He is lounging it up in a cave somewhere, at least according to Episode 3 of the ongoing Game of Thrones video game series developed by Telltale Games.

  12. I am glad I gave up reading Game of Thrones somewhere in the middle of book 4 as it felt like an unedited mess. It appears the television show agrees and is cutting out a lot of the fat and changing directions for a few key characters.

    I do feel like I'm cheating watching a TV show instead reading the book but they've clearly got the drive and energy to finish this. I do feel for JRRM. Like Daenerys, he released dragons of he couldn't control with the size of book 3 then made it worse by focusing on families no one cares about in book 4 and 5.

    I like the way this HBO is starting this season though I do wonder if they will be able to match the passion of the last seasons as many of the best antagonists are now dead.

  13. I just saw it last night and it was a great start to the season. I hope we get to see Lady Stoneheart this season. I also just started A Dance with Dragons this morning. I've got the GoT fever again! I kind of wish I didn't start watching it until the end of the season so I could binge watch it. I hate having to wait each week for one episode.
