
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I hope the Phoenix towers get built in China because they really do look awesome

So there's a proposal now to build the world's tallest tower in the Chinese city of Wuhan. However, what makes this different than just another tall skyscraper is that only half of it will be inhabited. Inspired by the Eiffel Tower, designers at British studio Chetwoods think that a structure with a host of environmental functions that act to purify a city's polluted air and water is definitely feasible. Dubbed "The Phoenix" towers, the tallest will be a kilometer high. It will also contain multiple filtration systems for cleaning the water from the lake and the surrounding air as well as a home for solar electricity plants.
The smaller tower will feature a perforated facade with a louvre system for ventilation and light control. A vertical garden, restaurants, galleries, bars and other leisure facilities are also planned. Cool, right? #soexcited


  1. They'd be impressive to see in person!

  2. Are they really going to be that ugly-ass pink? But they could definitely use something to clean the air around there.

  3. Sounds like a great plan. They probably need an entire forest of them but if it works, maybe the rest of the world would follow.

  4. I'm down with this. Or, if we're wanting this to get built, I should say I'm up with this. :)

  5. Impressive, functional and inspired by the Eiffel Tower - I like that they 'do something' to improve the location and its environment. They even look organic (insect hotels sounds like a biologist's delight)

    Not all of these super-tall buildings look good sticking up amid the other buildings, like a weed in a garden.

  6. Oh neat. I want to live in one... maybe.

  7. This is all very exciting and I for one would like to see a mile high building, but skyscrapers just aren't practical. New York needed them because of a lack of space but it makes no sense to build one of these if other land is available. The Empire State building was built in 1932 and it wasn't fully occupied until the 1960s. I predict super tall buildings will eventually go the way of the dinosaurs.

  8. I hope that they get built too. China will have some thing they can get tourism money from. That country needs to make money from resources like that.

  9. Looks very impressive, although I dread to think of the workers who will have to build it in record time for terrible wages. Still, they do make wonderful iPhones...


  10. Are they pink or red as in Red China? Either way, they look futuristic and the green sustainability factors are important. Still, the must-be-bigger-than-anyone-else's element is a little tiresome. What matters is that it is remarkable looking while being very green.

  11. Looks totally cool.

    But that reminds me. I saw something somewhere about how when people start building the "world's tallest" whatever, the economy is ready to take a nosedive. It had something to do with cycles and how when there was that kind of money floating around (when these kinds of dreams can happen), it's at the peak of the cycle and a crash is ready to happen.

    It was a fascinating program. I just wish I remember what show that was.

  12. I admit, it looks pretty rad

  13. That does look interesting. Futuristic.

  14. Looks like something straight out of a futuristic show. Maybe the future is closer than we think! O_O

  15. I'm not a practical person at all in any way, so I think these should be built and damn the expense and let's get the space program going again.

  16. Wow, that is really cool! The design is pretty odd, but I like what it has the potential to do.
