
Friday, May 30, 2014

Wayne the stegosaurus just confirms why I loved dinosaurs so much as a kid

I found this video posted HERE on Vimeo from Aran Quinn. It confirms two things I already suspected about dinosaurs: 1) I love them and 2) words that rhyme are so much fun! Have a great weekend and please watch the video.

Wayne The Stegosaurus from aran quinn on Vimeo.


  1. The only dinosaurs I ever loved were the Dinobots. "Me Grimlock kick butt!" Good times.

  2. I was fond of dinosaurs as a kid and stegosauruses in particular. I read somewhere that a portion of the stegosaurus' brain was located in its tail and this fascinated me as a kid.

  3. Of course, Stegs also had brains in their butts, so my kids have always loved them for that.

    @Pat: Evidently, the dinobots are in Transformers 4.

  4. We're dino fans too. My kids are going to love this.

  5. I don't even know what the "Dinobots" were. But stegosaurus was always my favorite dinosaur. Great video. But why do you say "as a kid"? Don't you still love them?
