
Monday, May 19, 2014

The CW's The Flash is probably the single show I'm most excited about in the fall.

If you are a fan of comic books, or The Flash, you'll probably want to watch this entire trailer all the way through. Grant Gustin is going to make a superb Flash. That is all. Have a good Monday.


  1. So when are you going to review Godzilla? BTW, your boy GRRM guest starred on Robot Chicken last night. I think he literally had one line, but still.

  2. I'll probably see Flash. I wanted to see Godzilla but reviews for it are terrible. I'll probably see it anyway.

  3. Oh gosh… I could stare at his face for an hour straight, LOL… this DOES look good. (Of course, I'm pretty much a sucker for all CW shows) ;)

  4. Absolutely agree. This is the one new show I want to see the most. I think it's going to be fantastic.

  5. No satellite so probably won't watch but it looks like a great show.

  6. me gusto Gustin! I'm excited about HIEROGLYPH too and some other epic and sf shows

  7. I totally agree with you. I'm really looking forward to this show.

  8. Will be interesting to see a superhero with actual superpowers (unlike Arrow). Could easily go off the rails. Hopefully not. Also interesting to see which other DC characters turn up.

    Moody Writing

  9. I like the original Flash series back in the early 90s; I'm not sure what I think about this one in terms of what they're doing with the story. Why does the hero -always- have to have a parent die?

  10. The only thing I knew about Flash was what I saw on the Big Bang Theory. This show looks as impressive as a hot-shot feature film, so I'll likely give it a try. Just one small complaint: Except for the obligatory 1-2 "ethnics," everyone else is too young, too white, too pretty. But the special effects look cool.

  11. I'm glad this made it to the fall lineup.

  12. That trailer is amazing and makes me want to watch the show. I didn't realize the Flash was so young.

  13. I love how they crossover this show with Arrow!

  14. I had never seen the Flash advert.! This will be great.
